Wednesday Morning 2d May 1744
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday
Messrs Stoughton and Gale attend with Messrs John Henry, John
Purnell Thomas Robins and Parker Selby Members elected for
Worcester County in Order to see them qualified who take the Oaths
to the Government appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly and
subscribe the Abjuration and Test and then withdrew
The Governor communicated to this House the following Answer
of the Lord Proprietary viz.
The Lord Proprietors Answer to the Address of the Gentlemen
of the Upper House of Assembly in Maryland
Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly
I thank you for your kind and Obliging Address and You may be
Assured that the Prosperity of every part of his Majestys Dominions
as a grateful and dutyful Subject, will have my most sincere Wish
and Attention, but more particularly that of the Province of Mary-
land C Baltimore
Given at London this 12th of August 1743
By his Lordships Command John Browning Secretary
Benjamin Tasker Esqr attended by the Members of this House
presents to his Excellency the Governor their Address which follows
in these Words.