House and other Conveniencies for the Governor of this Province
for the Time being to reside in :
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Com-
missioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit established by
Act of Assembly, shall and may issue and pay unto the said Thomas
Bladen, Esq; or the Governor for the Time being, the said Three
Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, or so much thereof as re-
mains in their Hands unapplied to the Use aforesaid, or according
to his or their Order and Direction for the Purchase and Building
And be it further Enacted, That the said Thomas Bladen, Esq;
or the Governor of this Province for the Time being, may, by virtue
of this Act direct and appoint the Building a Dwelling-House, Out-
Houses, and other Conveniencies for the Residence of the Governor
of this Province for the Time being, upon the Ground or Lots so as
aforesaid directed to be Purchased, and that the Commissioners or
Trustees appointed for Emitting Bills of Credit established by Act
of Assembly, shall and may issue and pay a further Sum not exceed-
ing One Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, according to the Direc-
tions of the said Thomas Bladen, Esq; or the Governor of this Prov-
ince for the Time being, towards the perfecting and finishing the
Buildings and Conveniencies aforesaid.
Governor to
direct in the
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
aforesaid Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for
laying out and applying Three Thousand Five Hundred Pounds
Current Money of Maryland to the Uses therein mentioned, as also
the Act for explaining and carrying into execution an Act, enti-
tuled, An Act for laying out and applying Three Thousand Five
Hundred Pounds Current Money of Maryland for the Uses therein
mentioned, and likewise an Act, entituled, An Act for the further
explaining and carrying into Execution an Act for laying out and
applying Three Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Current Money
of Maryland to the Uses therein mentioned, shall be, and they are
hereby Abrogated, Repealed, made Null and Void, so far as relates
to the Powers and Authorities in the said several Acts, or any of
them, given to the said Samuel Ogle, Esq; to purchase for the Use
of the Public of Maryland, Land or Ground for the Building a
Dwelling-House, Out-Houses, and other Conveniencies, for the Resi-
dence of the Governor of this Province for the Time being, or touch-
ing the Building aforesaid by him the said Samuel Ogle, Esq; or the
Governor for the Time being.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the Purchasing the said Four Acres of Land, inclos-
ing the same, as also the Building thereon a Dwelling-House, Out-
Houses, and other Conveniencies for the Residence of the Governor
of Maryland for the Time being, shall not exceed the Sum of Four