said Lots before any of the said Lots shall be taken up by any other
Person or Persons; Provided such Choice shall be made within Ten
Days after the Land aforesaid shall be surveyed and laid out, and not
otherwise. And to prevent any Partiality or Contest, in the first
taking up of the Lots aforesaid,
Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Commissioners
aforesaid, or the major Part of them, as soon as conveniently may be
after the Choice aforesaid shall be made by the Proprietor of the
same Land as aforesaid, or after the Expiration of the Ten Days
aforesaid, in case no such Choice shall be made, and after the Plats
and Certificates aforesaid shall be made and returned as aforesaid,
shall cause Advertisements to be set up at all public Places, as well
in Caecil County aforesaid, as in the neighbouring Counties in Mary-
land, and other adjacent Places, thereby giving Notice, that at a
certain Day therein to be mentioned, not less than Three Weeks,
nor more than Six Weeks from the Date of such Advertisements,
the Lots of the said Town are to be taken up by Ballot or Lot, by
any Persons whatsoever; and that on the Day so to be appointed, the
said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, shall meet on the
same Land or Town, and shall cause the Numbers of so many of the
Lots aforesaid, as there shall be Persons then and there willing and
desiring to take up Lots, beginning with the Lots on the River-side,
and proceeding for the whole Breadth of the Town backwards, to
be written on distinct Pieces of Paper, which shall be rolled up as
near as may be of equal Size and Bigness, and having put the same
Lots to be
taken up by
into a Box or Vessel, every Person then present, other than the
Proprietor or Owner aforesaid, shall be at Liberty to draw out one
of the said Numbers, which Number being entered with the Clerk
aforesaid, and the Drawer paying to the Proprietor or Owner of the
same Land, his or her Factor or Agent, the Price so as aforesaid
fixed and set upon the Lot, the Number whereof he or she hath so
drawn, and complying with the other Requisites hereafter men-
tioned, shall, and is hereby declared to be absolutely seized in an
Estate in Fee-Simple of and in such Lot, against the Lord Proprie-
tary of this Province, and all other Persons whatsoever: And if it
shall happen that all the Lots aforesaid be not taken up or drawn
on that Day, then the said Commissioners, or the major Part of
them, shall, and are hereby required to appoint another Day in the
same Manner as herein before directed, for drawing and taking up
the Residue of the said Lots, and shall proceed therein as herein
before mentioned on the first Day aforesaid, and that all Persons who
shall draw and take up any Lots on such second Day, and pay the
Prices, and comply with the other Requisites aforesaid, shall have
the like Estates, in such their Lots so drawn and entered as afore-
said, as the Drawers and Takers-up of Lots on the first Day are
herein above declared to have: And if all the said Lots shall not be
drawn and taken up on the second Day aforesaid, that then any
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