430 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
on the said Land; Provided always, That the said Sums shall not
exceed the Sum of One Thousand Pounds Current Money in each
County, to be levied by Three equal Assessments in the Years One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-three, One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Forty-four, and One Thousand Seven Hundred and
And be it also Enacted, That the said Justices shall be authorized
and impowered to contract for the Building of, and to cause a Court-
House to be built in their respective Counties, on the said Lands.
House and
Lands of
County to
be Sold by
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforsaid, That the Justice of Somerset County-Court shall within
Six Months after the End of this Session of Assembly, expose to
public Sale by Way of Vendue, the present Court-House and Lands
belonging to the County, to the highest Bidder, who shall give good
Security to pay what he agrees for in Twelve Months, and that the
half of the Money the said Court-House and Lands shall be sold for
shall be paid to the Justices of Worcester County-Court, and be by
them applied to the Payment of the Public Charge of the said
County; and the other half of the said Money shall be applied by the
Justices of Somerset County to the Charge of the said County of
p. 42
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the County-Court of the County of Worcester afore-
said shall be held on the First Tuesdays of the Months of March,
June, August, and November, Yearly; and that the Assizes in the
said County shall begin and be held on the Thursdays before the
Assizes in Somerset County; and that the Assizes and County-Courts
for Somerset County, after the last Day of November next, shall be
held at Princess Anne-Town aforesaid; any Law, Usage, or Custom,
to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
B. L. C.
p. 269
Ch. XX.
An Act encouraging the raising of Copper Oar, Erecting of Stamp-
ing Mills and Copper Works and making of Copper within this
Whereas John Diggs by his Humble petition to this present
General Assembly hath set forth that he hath undertaken a Copper
Work which if it should Succeed will not only be of Advantage to
him but also to the Publick and forasmuch in order to Carry on so
Considerable a Work it will be absolutely necessary for him to Im-
port or otherwise to retain in his service a great number of Experi-
enced Workmen So that he must unavoidably be at a Vast Expence
before he can bring such Work to any tolerable perfection so as to
Reap any Benefit therefrom wherefore for his better Encouragement
Be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship Governour and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the