428 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
whereof, and for that the Reverend George Murdoch, the present
Incumbent, having Notice thereof, and consenting thereto, it is
prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That from and after the Twenty-second Day of November
next ensuing, all that Part of Prince George's Parish, beginning at
Dividing a
Great Senecar Run Mouth, and running by and with the said Run
to the Head thereof, from thence with a due East Line to the Head of
one of the Draughts of Patuxent-River, and so binding all round as
the Upper Part of said County is bounded, shall be, and is by this Act
separated, constituted, erected, and made into a Parish, to be called
by the Name of All Saints Parish, divided as aforesaid from Prince
George's Parish in the said County, and shall be, and is hereby ad-
judged, deemed, and taken to be a separate and distinct Parish; giv-
ing to the several Free-holders thereof (at a certain Day to be
p. 40
appointed by them) full and ample Power to elect and make Choice
of the Number of Six select Vestry-men, and Two Church-wardens,
and also to build and found a Church therein; and shall have, hold,
and enjoy all Privileges and Advantages whatsoever, that are held
and enjoyed by any other Parish within this Province; any Law,
Statute, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Ch. XIX.
An Act to divide Somerset County, and to erect a new County on
the Sea-board Side, by the Name of Worcester.
Forasmuch as divers Inhabitants of Somerset County have by
their Petition to this General Assembly prayed that the said County
may be divided, and a new County erected out of Part thereof ;
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Bounds of
New County
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That after the Tenth Day of December next, the Bounds of
Somerset County shall contain as followeth: Beginning at Watkins's
Point, and from thence running up Pocomoke-Bay to the Mouth of
Pocomoke-River, up and with the said River to the Mouth of
Dividing-Creek; thence up the Westermost Side of the said Creek
and main Branch to the Bridges called Denstone's Bridges, and from
thence West to the main Road called Parawhawkin-Road; thence up
and with the said Road to John Caldwell senior's Saw-Mill, thence
up and with the said Road, over Cox's Branch, to Broad-Creek
Bridge, and down the said Branch and Creek into Nanticoke-River ;
thence down the said River with Dorchester County, to the Mouth
thereof, and from thence, including all the Islands formerly deemed
to be in Somerset County, to the Beginning called Watkins' s Point ;
and that after the said Tenth Day of December, all the remaining