Wednesday Morning 9th July 1740
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as yesterday
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for the Transpor-
tation of Forces and Troops to be raised in this Province for his
Majestys Service in the West Indies; passed and sent to the Lower
House with the following Message and Computation by Col Gale
and Col Harris
By the Upper House of Assembly 9th July 1740
As His Majesty by his Royal Instructions communicated by his
Excellency to Both Houses has been pleased to command that a
suitable Provision for the Forces to be raised in this Province agree-
able to his Majestys Expectations should be recommended to this
Assembly without Loss of time, that the Expedition ordered by his
Majesty may not be retarded for Want thereof; And the members
of this House having had an earlier Opportunity than your House
could have of seeing his Majestys Instructions a Bill has been accord-
ingly framed which We hope will answer the Royal Expectations,
And We now send you that Bill together with the several Articles
on which the Estimates in the Bill have been made, & We doubt not
but that the joint Zeal of both Houses to dispatch as soon as may be
what is so earnestly recommended by his Majesty for this important
Service will sufficiently account for Our sending to you this Bill:
And if Your House should differ with us either in the whole, or any
Part of this Bill, We shall most chearfully and readily receive from
your House any new Bill, or enter into any Communication with
your House either by Conference or otherwise in order to frame
either a new Bill or for any Alteration which may be thought expedi-
ent to be made in any Parts of this Bill
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up H.