Acts. 397
set down in different Columns to each Name, in such List, the Sum
of Tobacco with which every such Person is charged, for such Pub-
lic and County Levies, and the Sum of Money, if any which such
Person had paid to such Sheriff, in Discharge of that Tobacco, on or
by the Tenth Day of April, then next preceding the Court aforesaid,
one of which Lists such Sheriff shall deliver to the Justices of the
same Court, and shall before them make Oath, to the best of his
Knowledge, to the Truth thereof; and the other shall by such Sheriff
be set up at the Court-House Door, of the same County, or other
public Place of such Court-House, for the Inspection of all Persons
And that the said Sheriffs, and every of them, shall, and are hereby
obliged to allow, pay, and discount unto every particular Public or
County Creditor, within his County, such a Sum of Money, in Dis-
charge of his or her Public or County Allowance, as shall bear the
like Proportion to the whole of such Allowance, as the whole Sum
of Money so paid to such Sheriff, by or before the Tenth Day of
April, then next preceding, bears to the whole of the Public and
County Charge, in that County payable in Money doth amount unto.
to be made
to such as
have paid
And Whereas, it hath been the Practice of some Sheriffs, when
the Tenth of April, or the Time limited for their receiving Money in
Discharge of the Public and County Levies drew nigh, to absent
themselves from their Dwelling-Houses or Places of Abode, whereby
many People were prevented from having the Benefit of the said
Act; for Remedy whereof,
p. 13
Be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid,
That the Sheriff of every County, his Deputies, or Under Sheriffs,
on, or before the First Day of March yearly, during the Continuance
of this Act, shall, and are hereby required and obliged to make and
set up public Notes or Advertisements at the several Church-Doors,
Mill-Doors, and other public Places of the several and respective
Districts, in the several Counties appointed for such Deputies or
Under Sheriffs to act in, and thereby give Notice that the High-
Sheriff or Under Sheriff shall give constant Attendance at the Court-
House on a certain Day, to be in the said Notice mentioned, in every
Week, except the Week wherein the March Court for that County is
held, from the Hour of Nine of the Clock in the Morning to Five
publicly to
their Days
of Atten-
dance for
the Public
and County
in the Afternoon, from the said First Day of March, to the Tenth
Day of April aforesaid inclusive, and for Two Days (except Sunday)
next before the Tenth Day of April aforesaid, then and there to re-
ceive from the Inhabitants of such respective Districts their several
and respective Quota's or Sums of Money, by them due and payable
for their Public or County Levies, or such Parts or Shares thereof
as they shall think fit to pay.
And be it further Enacted, That if any of the Inhabitants of such
respective Districts, shall at any Time, on or before the Tenth Day
of April yearly, tender, or offer to pay their respective Quota's, or
their Levies
before the
Time, may,
on Non-
have their
Choice of
paying it
in Tobacco
or Money.