386 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
to the Assessment and Apportionment of the Committee appointed
by the said Act, on, or before the Twentieth Day of December next.
now out of
Office are
to finish
the Collec-
tion of the
And for as much as some Persons, who were Sheriffs at the Time
of making the aforesaid Act, and had collected Part of the said
Money, are now out of their Offices or may be out of their Offices
before the aforesaid Twentieth Day of December, Be it further En-
acted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the Advice and Con-
sent aforesaid, That the same several Persons shall, and are hereby
enabled, required, and authorized to Levy, Collect, and Pay the
Money aforesaid, according to the Directions aforesaid, and of this
Act; the Expiration of their said Offices, or any Law, Statute,
Usage, Custom, Matter, or Thing, to the contrary notwithstanding.
p. 2
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
of the aforesaid Sheriffs, or Persons, should be now dead, or here-
after should die before the aforesaid Twentieth Day of December,
of deceas'd
Sheriffs to
complete the
That then and in every such Case, the Executors or Administrators
of such deceased Sheriff, or Person, shall, and are hereby required
and impowered to complete the Collection and Payment aforesaid,
so far forth as the same had been left undone by such deceased
Sheriff, or Person, in the same Manner as such deceased Person, or
Sheriff, might, or could have done in his Life-time: And if it shall
happen, that no Person shall take upon him or herself the Adminis-
tration of such deceased Person's, or Sheriff's personal Estate; the
Securities, or one of them, named in the Bond of such deceased
Sheriff, given for the due Execution of his Office, for the Year in
which the aforesaid Collection, by the before-recited Act, was to
have been made, shall, and are hereby required and impowered to
Make, Complete, and Finish the Collection and Payment aforesaid,
in Manner aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, by the Advice, Consent, and Authority
aforesaid, That the several Bonds given by the Sheriffs of this Prov-
of Sheriffs
to see this
Act duly
ince, for the due Execution of their Offices, for the Year wherein
the Collection and Payment of the Money aforesaid, by Virtue of
the before herein recited Act, was to have been made and finished,
and the Securities in the same Bonds named and mentioned, their
Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, are, and shall be liable and
bound for the due Execution of this Act, and of all Things herein
required to be done and performed, as fully and amply, to all Intents
and Purposes, as they are, were, or ought to have been, for the
Execution of the aforesaid recited Act, or as if the aforesaid Dis-
approbation had never happened or been; any Law, Usage, or Cus-
Sheriffs to
receive all
such as are
into their
Custody for
tom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons, directed and impowered
by Virtue of this Act, to Collect, Levy, and Pay the Money aforesaid,
and not being the Sheriff of the County, shall take the Body of any
other Person in Execution, for the Payment and Satisfaction of