328 Assembly Proceedings, Sept, 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
L. H. J.
Mr Richard Gresham, Mr John Gresham, Messrs Nicholas and
John Goldsborough and Mr Lloyd have Leave to go home
The House Adjourns until the Morrow Morning- at 9 of the Clock
October 2
Saturday Morning October 2d 1742
The House met according to Adjournment, All the Members ap-
peared at the call except Messrs John and Richard Gresham, Messrs
Nicholas and John Goldsborough and Mr Lloyd
The Bill entituled An Act for the Advancement of Justice was
Read and with the Amendments passed for Ingrossing
Colo King from the Committee of Laws delivers Mr Speaker A
Bill entituled An Act to prevent the ill Practices of Sheriffs in the
Collecting and Payment of the Public and County Levies, which
was Read the first time and Ordered to lie on the Table
The Bill Entituled An Act to prevent the Exportation of Indian
Corn and Wheat for the time therein limited sent to the Upper House
by Mr Waughop and Mr Lecompte
Captain Paca being very much indisposed hath Leave of the
House to go home
The House Adjourns until Monday Morning at nine of the Clock
October 4
Monday Morning October 4. 1742
The House met according to Adjournment &ca
All Members appeared at the call except Captain Paca Messrs
Nicholas and John Goldsborough Messrs John and Richard Gresham
Mr Lloyd appeared in the House
On Motion of a Member that Leave may be given to bring in a
Supplementary Bill to the Act for the Repairing the damages already
sustained in the Records of the Land Secretarys Commissarys and
County Court Offices and for Security of the same Records for the
future Leave given and Ordered that the Committee of Laws pre-
pare and bring in such Bill
On Motion of a Member that Leave may be given to bring in a
Bill to oblige practising Attorneys to swear, they had finished the
Suits in which they were employed before any Execution shall issue
to impower the Sheriffs to Collect their Fees, Leave is given and
Ordered that the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in such Bill
Colo King from the Committee of Laws delivers Mr Speaker A
Bill entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled An Act for
repairing the Damages already Sustained in the Records of the Land
p. 328
Secretarys Commissarys and County Court [Offices] and for Security
of the same Records for the future, which Bill was Read the first
time and Ordered to lie on the Table