316 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
L. H. J.
On Motion of a Member that the Clerks and Clerks Assistants to
the several Committees of this House be Obliged to take the several
Oaths to the Government as required by Law, and an Oath of Office
Ordered that each Clerk and Clerk Assistant to every Committee
be obliged to take the several Oaths to the Government as required
by Law and the following Oath of Office, viz.
You A. B. do swear that as Clerk to the Committee of you
shall true Entries make of all such matters and things, as by this
Committee for the time being shall be to you directed; the Secrets of
the said Committee you shall not divulge to the Prejudice of the
said Committee or any Member thereof, but shall in all things as
Clerk to the said Committee well and truly demean yourself accord-
ing to the best of your knowledge So help you God
Ordered that Mr Henry Hall a Justice of the Peace for Anne
Arundel County administer the Oaths to the Government and the
Oath of Office to Mr Nicholas Hammond
Mr Hall acquaints Mr Speaker that he had administred the several
Oaths to the Government to Mr Nicholas Hammond and that the
said Hammond had signed the Oath of Abjuration, had repeated and
signed the Test and had taken the Office Oath.
The House Adjourns to the Morrow Morning at nine of the Clock
Sept. 24
Friday Morning September 24. 1742
The House met according to Adjournment &ca
Mr Walter Smith and Mr John Brome two returned Members to
serve for Calvert County appeared in the House Ordered that
Mr Weems and Mr Joseph Hall go to the Upper House and see them
qualified they return and acquaint Mr Speaker they saw them take
the several Oaths to the Government required by Law sign the Oath
of Abjuration repeat and sign the Test
p. 318
On Motion of a Member that Leave be given to bring in a Bill
for Limitation of Officers Fees Leave given and Ordered that the
Committee of Laws prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly
Mr Smith from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges ac-
quaints Mr Speaker, that Committee had chosen Mr Thomas Jen-
nings as Clerk to the Committee of Elections and Priviledges, the
House approves the Choice
Mr Smith from the Committee to enquire into the State and Con-
dition of the Arms and Ammunition &ca acquaints Mr Speaker, that
Committee had chosen Mr Thomas Jennings for Clerk The House
approves thereof
Ordered that Mr Henry Hall do administer to him the several
Oaths to the Government and Oath as Clerk to each Committee