310 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
L. H. J.
A sufficient Number of Members to compose a Lower House of
Assembly being met at the Stadt House, Colo Sprigg and Doctor
Carroll were desired to acquaint his Excellency therewith.
George Plater and James Holliday Esqrs of the Upper House and
Mr John Ross Clerk, came into the Stadt House in whose Presence
p. 312
the Members aforesaid took the several Oaths to the Government
required by Law, signed the Oath of Abjuration repeated and signed
the Test.
Benjamin Tasker and Edmund Jenings Esqr from the Upper
House acquaint the Members of this House, that the Governor re-
quired their Attendance in the Upper House
The Members of the Lower House went to the Upper House his
Excellency required them to return and make Choice of a Speaker :
The Members of the Lower House returned, and unanimously made
Choice of Colo Edward Sprigg a Representative of Prince Georges
County to be their Speaker, and placed him in the Chair.
Ordered that Mr Calder and Colo Colvil acquaint his Excellency
this House hath made Choice of a Speaker
Philip Lee Esqr and Colo Charles Hammond from the Upper
House acquaint this House that the Governor requires their Atten-
dance in the Upper House to present their Speaker
The Members of the Lower House went to the Upper House and
presented to the Governor for their Speaker Colo Edward Sprigg:
his Excellency approved the Choice, then acquainted Mr Speaker
and the rest of the Members he had a Speech from Lord Baltimore
to both Houses of Assembly, which he had ordered the Clerk of the
Council to read (See page 266)
His Excellency made the following Speech (See page 266)
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The Lower House returned Mr Speaker resumed the Chair The
House made Choice of Mr Michael Macnemara for Clerk
Mr Dulany and Mr Wootton ordered to acquaint his Excellency
with their Choice of Clerk which on their Return they acquainted
Mr Speaker he approved.
Mr Calder and Mr Thomas sent to the Upper House to see
Mr Macnemara qualify himself they return and acquaint Mr Speaker
the Clerk had taken the several Oaths to the Government required
by Law, signed the Oath of Abjuration, repeated and signed the
Test and took the following Oath.
You Michael Macnemara do swear that as Clerk of the Lower
House of Assembly, you shall true Entries make of all such Matters
and Things, as by the Honourable Speaker for the time being and
that House shall be to you directed, the Secrets of the said House
you shall not divulge to the Prejudice of the said House or any
Member thereof, but shall in all things as Clerk of the said House,