p. 2
The whole house attend and present Col Edward Sprigg as their
Speaker with which Choice his Excellency declares himself well
pleased, and acquaints the Members of Both Houses of Assembly,
he had a Speech from the Rt. honble the Lord Baltimore directed to
them, and which He had ordered the Clerk of the Council to read
His Lordships Speech to Both Houses of Assembly of the Prov-
ince of Maryland
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
The Happiness of the Province of Maryland has always been
the Chief Object of my Attention, and I can with great Sincerity
affirm, that I have omitted no Opportunity of testifying my Zeal to
promote it, having ever been, in my Situation here, attentive to the
Advancement of Trade in general, and particularly in that Branch
in which You are more nearly concerned, and that nothing can give
me a more Sensible Pleasure, than to be able any Way to contribute
to the Welfare and Prosperity of his Majestys Subjects in Maryland
It is great Satisfaction to me, that his Majesty has been graciously
pleased to approve of Mr Bladen to be your Governor, who, I am
confident, will cultivate by all Means that good Understanding,
which is so necessary for the General Interest of the Common Weal,
and I am perswaded you will not be wanting in your different Sta-
tions, to concur in the carrying on such Measures, as are consistent
with the true Interest of the Province, in which you may always be
assured of my ready Concurrence
p. 3
His Excellency makes the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
The Honour I have of being appointed Governor of this Province,
is the more agreeable to me, as It is the Country where I was born,
and for whose Interest and Happiness my sincerest and best Wishes
have never been wanting
The little time since my Arrival makes it impossible for me to be
apprised of many particulars, which may be proper to be recom-
mended to your Consideration, but I hope the War Our Sovereign is
engaged in, and the many Commotions in Europe, which threaten