238 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 22, 1741.
L. H. J.
Colo Colvill delivers Mr Speaker the following Report
At A Meeting of A Committee of the Lower House of Assembly
appointed to Inspect the Accounts and Proceedings of the Agents
appointed by Act of Assembly for Paying the Bounty to Persons
Inlisting for his Majestys Service, June 14. 1741
Were Present Colo Thomas Colvil, Mr Willm Rumsey, Mr Thos
p. 299
Sheredine, Mr James Weems, Mr John Gale Who make Choice of
Colo Thomas Colvil Chairman and William Ghiselin Clerk and Agree
on the following Report Viz.
Your Committee having Inspected the Accounts Receipts and
Vouchers of the Agents appointed as aforesaid, do find their Ac-
counts to stand in the following manner viz.
1 George Plater Esqr Agent for Saint Marys County
2 Colo Levin Gale Agent for Somerset County
3 John Rousby Esqr ditto for Calvert County
4 Colo Henry Hooper ditto for Dorchester County
5 Philip Lee Esqr ditto for Prince Georges County
6 Mathew Tilghman Ward Esqr ditto for Talbot County
7 Colo Robert Hanson ditto for Charles County
8 Colo James Holliday ditto for Queen Anns County
9 Colo Charles Hammond ditto for Ann Arundel County
10 Colo James Harris ditto for Kent County
11 Colo Thomas Colvil ditto for Cecil County
12 Mr Roger Mathews ditto for Baltimore County
[See image for chart]
*No Accounts returned the Agent being Dead
All which is humbly Submitted to the Consideration of the House
Thomas Colvill Thomas Sheredine John Gale
William Rumsey James Weems