L. H. J.
An Ingrossed Bill entituled An Act to enable the Visitors of the
Free School of Kent County for the time being to lease One Moiety
of the Land except ten Acres belonging to the same School Read
and Assented to
Colo Gale Colo Harris, Colo Hammond Colo Colvil and Colo Han-
son Agents appointed by the Act for issuing and Paying out of the
Office of the Commissioners &ca lay their Receipts and Vouchers
for Money paid in Pursuance of that Act before the House, which
are referred to the Committee appointed to inspect the Accounts and
Proceedings of the Commissioners for Emitting Bills of Credit &ca
who are Ordered to make Report to the House thereon
The Bill entituled An Act to prevent the Exportation of Indian
Corn &ca was brought in and read with the Amendments which
Amendments not Agreing with the Title and Preamble Ordered that
the said Bill be Re-committed, and the Title and Preamble altered to
Agree with the Amendments made
The House Adjourns to the Morrow Morning at nine of the Clock