All which were Signed by his Excellency the Governor and As-
sented to on behalf of the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
and sealed with his Lordships Greater Seal at Arms, after which
his Excellency makes the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
The Business of this Session being at an End I with the Advice
of his Lordships Council of State do Prorogue this Assembly until
the second Tuesday in September next and you are to take notice
you are Prorogued to that day accordingly
Thus Endeth this Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis the 26th day of May and ending the 22d day of
June following in the 27th year of his Lordships Dominion and in
the fifteenth year of his Majesty s Reign Annoq Domini 1741
Jno Ross Cl.