The Upper House. 177
Who make Choice of the honourable Levin Gale Esqr for their
Chairman and of William Ghiselin for their Clerk and agree to
make the following Report viz.
Your Committee have carefully inspected the State of the Office
for emitting- the Paper Money and find the same in good Order, and
that the Commissioners or Trustees have closed their Account of
the Iron Chest to the 8th day of May 1741 Ballance therein
3418£..8s..10d that there still remains in the Office unsigned Bills
for £3125 part of the 89990 £ principal Stock not lent out nor ap-
plyed £6943...9.. 6 whereof £5295...00.. 3 is appropriated to particular
uses and £1248.. 9.. 3 remains unappropriated of the Principal Stock
as by the Annexed Account appears
U. H. J.
Your Committee further signify that by direction of both Houses
of Assembly and desire of the Commissioners for emitting the Paper
Money, Your Committee did count over and see destroyed and
Burnt to Ashes by the said Commissioners the following torn and
defaced Bills viz. 206 of twenty Shillings each 169 Bills of Fifteen
Shillings each 910 Bills of ten Shillings each and 1171 Bills of Five
Shillings each 2226 Bills of two Shillings and Six Pence each
3384 Bills of One Shilling and Six Pence each and 4944 Bills of One
Shilling each amounting in the whole to the Sum of £1859.. 15...0
and that your Committee did also see that Book containing 1250
Bills of twenty Shillings each mentioned in former Reports to be
spoiled by indenting with an Engine destroyed and Burnt to Ashes
by the aforesaid Commissioners all which is humbly Submitted to
both Houses of Assembly
James Weems William Rumsey Levin Gale
John Gale Thos Sheredine Thomas Colvill
Dr The Office for Emitting the Paper Money of Maryland from
the 23d of April 1740 to the 8th May 1741 inclusive
p. 810
To Ballance of Account stated 23d April 1740 by £s d
a Committee of both Houses for such part of 5652.. 6.. 0 3/4
the £89990 as was then Signed
being so much
signed since 23d
April 1740 of
Bills 5812 £.. 10s of
To 14 Books of 2.. 6 1250 each unsigned Bills
To 2 Books of 1...6 1250 each mentioned in
To 5 Books of 1. 1250 each last Years Ac-
count and Re-
port part of the
aforesaid £89990 2687.. 10.. 0
To Principal Money paid into the Office on Loans
from 23d of April 1740 to the 8th of May | 1333...00.. 0
1741 inclusive