Rome, he appears to us to be a Person firmly attached to his Majestys
Person and Government, and a strenuous Asserter of the Rights of
those who have chose him One of their Representatives: Had We an
Inclination, from Your Honour's Example, to be personal, We might
with equal Justice turn your Argument against a Personage greatly
concerned in Our Administration, we might suggest great Dangers
from the Conjunction of a Sheriff who has the Command of the
Posse, and the Keeper of Our Arms and Magazine in the same
County both late Converts from Popery, and who probably possess
those places with Your Honours Approbation; but those things being
generally looked on in any Debates either as Signs of a bad Cause,
or want of Abilities to support a good One, as well as unbecoming
in themselves, We shall always take Care to avoid them; and as that
Gentleman lives convenient for executing the Trust reposed in him
by the Bill, We see no Reason for an Alteration, being well assured
he will perform it with Fidelity and Reputation
We would hope that the Gentleman of your House already nomi-
nated as an Agent, and whom We apprehend to be One of his
Majestys Officers of the Customs, will not refuse to serve his Majesty
on this Occasion, We do therefore not think it necessary to make any
Alteration therein
We agree to Your Proposal for the Security of those who shall
transport the Troops, and send you a Bill for that Purpose
As Yeilding to a Conference a Bill for raising Money might affect
the Rights and Privileges of this House with Respect to such Bills,
We cannot agree to it, and We are the more inclinable to avoid it
at this time, lest the Warmth and Personal Prejudice so apparent in
Your Message should also break out there, & so the Business which
concerns his Majestys Service, and that of the Country be impeded;
We therefore request Your Honours to dispatch that Bill with the
Others now before you, that a speedy Period may be put to the
Session Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.
Read the aforegoing Bill the first time in this House & ordered to
lye on the Table
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock
p. 19