Acts. 137
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
aforesaid several Sums of Money arising from the Duties aforesaid,
and from the Ordinary Licences, and Fines, and Forfeitures of
Ordinary-keepers, for the Replacing and Repaying the Money afore-
said, so as aforesaid Borrowed and Appropriated for the Uses men-
tioned in this Act, shall, and are hereby Directed and Enacted Yearly
and every Year, to be paid to the Commissioners or Trustees afore-
said, by the respective Naval Officers and Sheriffs aforesaid, until
the aforesaid Money, or such part thereof as shall be applied as
aforesaid, shall be fully Paid back and Replaced, and that so much
of this Act as relates to Ordinaries and Ordinary-keepers, and the
Licences, Fines and Forfeitures herein before mentioned, shall be,
and are hereby declared to be and continue in Force, until the afore-
said Sum of Five Thousand Pounds, or such part thereof as shall be
applied as aforesaid, shall be fully paid and discharged, and to the
end of the next Session of Assembly which shall happen after such
Payment and no longer, and that whatever Money arising from
such Licenses, Fines and Forfeitures, the said Commissioners or
Trustees shall receive over and above what shall Discharge and
Repay the Sum aforesaid, or the part thereof that shall be applied
as aforesaid, the said Commissioners or Trustees shall account for
the same to the next Assembly, which shall, and is hereby Declared
and Enacted to be applied towards defraying the Publick Charge of
this Province.
&c. by this
Act arising,
to be paid
yearly into
the Office
until the
borrowed be
And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners or Trustees
aforesaid, shall, and are hereby required and impowered to pay to
the aforesaid Agents, or any two of them, or their Order, any Sum
or Sums of Money, as they at any Time or Times shall Demand or
Require, not exceeding in the whole the aforesaid Sum of Five
Thousand Pounds, and that the Receipt of the same Agents, or any
two of them, shall be a sufficient Voucher for the said Commissioners
or Trustees to Charge the Public therewith, or with so much thereof
as they shall so Pay to the said Agents, or any two of them, and if it
shall so happen that there be not Money in the Hands of the Com-
missioners or Trustees aforesaid, sufficient to answer the Draughts
or Demands of the same Agents, or any two of them, over and above
what has been appropriated to some other Uses, it shall and may be
lawful for the same Commissioners or Trustees, and they are hereby
required to Pay the Demands aforesaid of the said Agents, or any
two of them, out of any Moneys in their Hands, any such former
Appropriation notwithstanding, and that the Money to be Repaid
as aforesaid, shall be subject to the same Appropriations so soon as
they shall be so Repaid.
The Com-
to pay the
Money to
the Agents.
And be it further Enacted, That if the aforesaid Expedition shall
not take Effect, or if the aforesaid Number of Men shall not be
p. 11 Inlisted and Raised in this Province, so that all or any part of the
said Money, by the said Agents, or any two of them, taken out and
Money taken
out of the
Office & Un-
applied to be
refunded by
the Aeents.