ful Licence, shall Sell by Retail, unless Sold at the common and
usual Rates of such Liquors between Merchants and others, any
Cyder, Quince Drink, or other strong Liquors, to be Drank in his,
her, or their Houses, or about his, her, or their Plantation, upon the
forfeiture of every Time he, she or they shall be legally Convict
thereof, the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money, one half thereoi
to the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, to be collected, paid,
and applied as aforesaid, and the other half to the Informer, or tc
him or them that shall sue for the same, to be Recovered as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
Licenced Ordinary-keepers shall be provided with and Sell by Sealed
Measures, all Liquors (except such as shall come into the Province
in Bottles) And that any Ordinary-keeper who shall neglect to pro-
vide and always keep a Quart, Pint, Half Pint, and Gill Pot, or any
of them, Sealed Measures, shall forfeit and pay Five Pounds Cur-
rent Money, to the Uses aforesaid, to be collected and applied as
aforesaid, and recovered in the County Court where the Ordinary-
keeper Offending Resides, in the Names of the Lord Proprietary and
Informer, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein
no Essoyn, Protection or Wager of Law to be allowed.
And whereas it hath been found prejudicial to the Inhabitants of
to be
this Province, that Ordinary-keepers and Innholders have frequently
Entertained diverse loose, idle, and disorderly Persons, a great Time
Tippling at their Houses, as well to the great Damage of many Per-
sons, as their own Ruin.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with
To prevent
the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That it shall not be lawful for
any such Ordinary-keeper or Innholder to keep such Ordinary, or
House of Entertainment, until he or she give good and sufficient
Security, by Bond or Recognizance to the Right Honourable the
Lord Proprietary, his Heirs and Successors, in Forty Pounds Cur-
Bond to be
rent Money, before the Justices of the County Court where any
Ordinary shall be kept, to keep good Rules and Orders, and not to
suffer idle, loose or disorderly Persons, to Tipple, Game, or commit
other Disorders or Irregularities in such Ordinary, contrary to the
true intent and meaning of this Act, and that upon the breach of any
such Bond or Recognizance, the recovery of the Penalty thereof shall
be in the Name of the said Lord Proprietary, and for the Use of the
Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, to be collected, paid and ap-
plied as aforesaid.
P. 7
Not to suffer
Gaming, &c.
And whereas daily Experience shews the great Prejudice to the
Owners and Masters of Merchant Ships and Vessels Trading into
this Province, by Ordinary-keepers entertaining Sailors and others
to such Ships and Vessels belonging, and trusting and encouraging
them to continue Tippling in their Houses, to the Prejudice of Trade,
preventing and impeding the Dispatch of such Ships and Vessels,
To prevent
&c. in