112 Assembly Proceedings, July 7-29, 1740.
L. H. J.
Enable him and his Successors in Office to Demise and to Farm
let, two Tracts of Land the one containing 100 Acres whereon the
Church stands the other called Wrighton lying near Pig Point, in
Consideration of Improvements being made thereon
Severally Indorsed, By the Upper House of Assembly 23d July
1740, Read and Referred to the Consideration of the Lower House
Mr Calder delivers Mr Speaker the following Representation:
To the Honourable the House of Delegates of the Province of
We the Persons appointed by Your Honourable House to pro-
cure Copies of Records &ca and to transmit the same to Great Britain,
for carrying on the Address of Your House to his most Sacred
Majesty in Pursuance of an Order of the House dated the 10th May
1740 &ca to make a Report of Our Proceedings to the then next
Assembly do hereby humbly represent that the time between that and
this present Session was so short, that the necessary Records could
not be made out and perfected, and that during the present Session
Application has been made to the respective Offices for some Copies,
which are promised to be made Out, and as well as those formerly
applied for, to be authentically proved as directed
Ja: Calder Edwd Sprigg Henry Hall
C: Carroll Turnor Wootton
V. Denton Osborn Sprigg
p. 169
The House concurs with the Report and further appoint and Con-
tinue those Gentlemen to procure if need be Copies of Records &ca
necessary for carrying on the said Address
The Report from the Committee of Aggrievances relating to the
Omission of Recording the Agents Commission, being Read the
House Concurs therewith: And,
Resolved that all Commissions heretofore now or hereafter, to his
Lordships the Lord Proprys Agents in this Province which respect the
receiving Duties, Compositions, Rents or other Monies from his
Majestys Subjects, should and ought to be Entred on Record in the
Provincial Court Records and likewise that all Deputations from
such Agent or Agents to any Person or Persons for receiving Rents
or other Records or Compositions, ought to be Recorded in the Pro-
vincial Court Records, or in the County Records where such Deputy
or Deputys Act; whereby the People may be at a Certainty in being
Discharged by Payments heretofore made or hereafter to be made
Mr Speaker communicated the Governors answer to the Address
of this House presented yesterday vizt (See page 81)
p. 172
Colo King, Doctor Carroll Colo Colvill, Mr Calder, and Mr Nicholas
Goldsborough Ordered to prepare An Address to his Excellency on
his Answer,