July 2,
The House met according to Adjournment &c All Appeared that
were Present Yesterday except Mr Henry Hall
Mr Mathews from the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of
Justice, delivers Mr Speaker the following Reports, viz.
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice July 23d
Your Committee upon enquiring for the Commission of his Lord-
ships Agent within this Province, find, that in the Alphabet of
Liber P L No 8 Tasker Benjamin Agent Commission Folio 300 and
on viewing the said Folio find therein recorded a Bond to the Right
Honourable Charles Lord Proprietary dated 12th of November 1734
signed Benjamin Tasker D. Dulany, Geo. Plater but not the Com-
mission as mentioned in the said Alphabett.
Your Committee humbly conceive, as the said Office of an Agent
is a Publick Office with respect to the People and their Interests the
Powers and Authorities by which they Act or have Acted, should be
made matter of Record, that hereafter the same may be a Iustifica-
tion for Payments made by and for the Use of his Majestys Subjects
to such Agents but the same is humbly submitted to the Considera-
tion of your Honourable House
Signed p Order William Cumming Cl Com.
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice, July 23.
Whereas A Committee of Your House had heretofore Reported
that A new Office had been erected with new Fees, and it appearing
to your Committee at present, that the Person so appointed had com-
menced A Suit for such Fees in Prince Georges County Court within
this Province, Your Committee therefore on Application to the
Clerk of the Council and Register in Chancery, for the Commission
by which the said Person acted as Master in Chancery and likewise
any Proclamation or Authority by which he Charged such Fees as
aforesaid received from the said Clerk and Register, Copy A Com-
mission by Samuel Ogle Esqr Chancellor of the Province of Mary-
land to Benjamin Young of the City of Annapolis Gent dated the
8th day of October 1734 as also An Order of Council dated at
Annapolis 20th of February 1733 appointing Fees to the Examiner
and Master in Chancery, both hereunto annexed, which as a further