102 Assembly Proceedings, July 7-29, 1740.
L. H. J.
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment &ca
The Bill entituled, An Act continuing An Act of Assembly of this
Province entituled An Act for the more effectual Punishment of cer-
tain Offenders and for taking from them the Benefit of Clergy; Read
the second time and passed.
The Bill entituled An Act for ascertaining the Gauge of Barrells
for Pork and Beef and the neat Quantity of Pork and Beef to be
therein contained in each Barrell; Read the second time and Passed.
Which two Bills were sent to the Upper House, together with the
Bill entituled An Act for the Benefit of the Poor and encouragement
of Industry, and the Bill entituled An Act continuing An Act of
Assembly, of this Province entituled A supplementary Act to the
Act entituled An Act for the effectual Punishment of negroes and
other Slaves &ca by Mr Henry and Mr Rumsey.
On Reading the Bill entituled An Act, for the Trial of all Matters
of Fact in the several Counties where they have arisen or shall arise,
the Question was put, that the said Bill do pass Resolved in the
For the Affirmative
Mr Waughop Mr King Mr Pearce
Read Henry Gist
Calder Goldsborough Edwd Sprigg
Carroll Robert Lloyd Wootton
Smith Thomas Osborn Sprigg
Weems Hooper Magruder
Brome Ennalls Pemberton
Courts Brannock R. N. Wright
Middleton Colvill
Hanson Rumsey
For the Negative
Mr Harris Mr Joseph Hall Mr Dulany
Denton Sheredine Gordon
Henry Hall Caswell
The said Bill was sent to the Upper House by Colo Hanson and
Mr Thomas
The Bill entituled An Act reviving An Act of Assembly of this
Province, entituled An Act to prevent cutting up Tobacco Plants,
destroying of Tobacco and Tobacco Houses, &ca Read the second
time and Passed
p. 151
The Bill, entituled An Act for the speedy and effectual Publication
of the Laws of this Province and for the encouragement of Jonas
Green of the City of Annapolis Printer. Read the second time and