Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 93
poynted Mr Parnell to doe what busines might any wayes concerne
mee: by whome allso I haue sent a small Cargo, I sent to you form-
erly to certify you, tht Mr Lane forced mee to make good his bar-
gaine, & hath turned it ouer to Capt ffendall, Therfore according to
the Counter part now brought ouer by them, I desyre it may bee
performed I hope Mr Parnell & yorselfe will make soe fayre & in-
different account that all parties will bee satisfyed, wch is my desyre :
allthough I suffer some losse, the wch I cannot expect otherwise I
shall neuer aduise any man to plant Sweet sented Tob. in Patowmeck
Ryuer, ffor tht wch I had of the Plantaon for sweet sented. I thinke
had I sold it, by it selfe, would scarce haue yeilded 40o pe hogshead,
It being worse for sale, then my receaued Tob. by full a penny in a
pownd. The greatest fault was: the want of substance. Pray lett
mee heare from you by the first conuenience. I hope to bee in the
Countrey the first Ship the next yeare. Mr Parnell can certify you,
the cause of my staying, & likewise many other passages by word of
mouth, tht I shall omitt to wright, I haue not else, but wth my best
respects to yor selfe, yor wife, Childre, & all or good freinds, I rest
Yor louing ffreind
Sam: Tilghman.
Endors. To my uery louing ffreind Mr Ed: Packer, lyuing att
Maryland in Potowmeck Ryuer Att Wicocomoco
these dd.
P. C. R.
Know all men by these pents tht I Henry Potter of the hundred of
St Michaels, in the County of St Maries, in the prouince of Maryland
Planf for & in consideraon of the full & iust summe of Six hundd
pownds of Tob & cask, to mee in hand payd by Martin Kerke of the
Hundred aforesd Planf wch I doe hereby acknowledge hath bene
fully payd & satisfyed to mee by the sd Martin Kerke, Haue graunted,
bargayned sold, aliened enfeoffed & confirmed, & by these pents doe
for mee & my heyres, graunt bargaine, sell, alien, enfeoffe & con-
Deed to
firme unto the sd Martin Kerke the moity, or one halfe of the plan-
taon or Land, where I the sd Henry Potter did about fiue yeares last
past dwell. The sd Moity of the sd plantaon, conteyning by estimaon
Thirty Seauen Acres & a halfe of Land or thereabouts, To haue &
to hold the Moity of the sd plantaon unto the sd Martin Kerke, & his
heyres for euer, ffor, by, & under the yearely Rent of halfe a Barrell
of Corne, & fiue pecks of Corne & one poultry & a halfe, to bee
yearely payd, unto mee the sd Henry Potter, my heyres & assignes
for euer. And I the sd Henry Potter my heyres the premises aboue
graunted, bargayned & sold, & euery part thereof unto the sd Martin
Kerke, & his heyres & assignes for euer shall & will warrant, & agst
all person & persons defend for euer by these pents. The Rent aboue
recyted being well & truly payd or tendred to me the sd Henry Potter
my heyres & Assignes, att the now dwelling howse of mee the sd
p. 59