Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 91
deceased, wch haue, may, or shall come to yor hands or possesn Well
& truly to pay the debts due by the sd Deceased, soe far forth as the
same shall therto extend, & the Law will charge you, according to
the trew ualew & summe thereof, you hauing first taken yor Oath
well & truly to admister the same. And to make, or cause to be made
a true & pefect Inuentory of All & singular the goods, chatties, &
debts of the sd Deceased, wch haue may, or shall come to yor hands,
possesn or knowledge. And allso a true & iust acct, in & concerning
yor admistraon therein, And to exhibite both into the Office for
Probate of Wills, & graunting Admistraons lawfully authorized.
Touching wch luentory, you are assigned to performe att or before
the first day of September next ensuing. And an account when you
shall bee therto lawfully requyred. And lastly Wee doe hereby
constitute, ordaine, & appoynt you the sd Robert Cole Admistrato6 of
All & singular the goods chatties, & debts of the sd Deceased, Gyuen
att St Maries under the Great Seale of Our prouince of Maryland
this 17th day of May in the 26th yeare of Our Dominion oner the sd
prouince of Maryland Anoqe Dm 1658. Wittnes oe Deare Brother
Philip Caluert Esqr Secretary of Our sd prouince.
Philip Caluert Secr.
P. C. R.
Martin Kirke sworne Custable of 5l Michaels hunred.
Cunstables Oath. You shall well & truly serue the Lord Pro-
prietary of this prouince in the Office of Cunstable, you shall see, &
cause his Lps peace to bee well & truly kept & preserued, according
to yor power & knowledge wthin yor limitts. You shall doe yor best
endeauoe for the apprehending of Delinquents, soe far as reasonably
you may. You shall well & duely (according to yor knowledge &
power exequute all precepts, & warrants to you directed from the
Goue, or any one of the Councell or other Commander of yor Diui-
sion. And you shall well and duely, wthin yor limitts, according to
yor knowledge & power, doe & exequute all other things, belonging
to a Cunstable to doe, by the Law or custome of England, & of this
prouince. Soe long as you shall be in tht Office. Soe helpe &c.
Warrt to Martin Kirke Cunstable, to take into Custody Tho:
Pitcher a Runaway out of Virginia, & him (to his endeauoe) to
secure, till further Order therein
Re Pitcher
Whereas there appeareth an Inuentory of the Estate of Thomas
White late of this prouince deceased, & recorded under the hand of
Thomas Turner Clark the 18th March 1657, Entred by Margarett
Brent, pretending her selfe Exequutrix to the Estate of the sd De-
ceased, The sd Inuentory appraysed by John Carye, & Peter Carre,
amounting to 8064l Tob. And noe will appearing uppon Record,
May 18th
p. 57
Re White's