84 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658,
P. C. R.
knowledge ffrancis Brookes had of Henry ffox, Two Cowes and a
hogshead of Tob, for the releasing of Two seruants taken by the
Sheriffe in Exequudn & further sayth not.
John Lewger gentn aged 30 yeares or thereabouts 28 April 1658,
Deposed, Sayth That about ffebruary in the yeare 1656, hee this
Depont heard Henry ffox demand of Capt Willm Mitchell, the White
Howse standing att St Maries, & the sd Mitchell replyed tht the sd
ffox had noe Tytle or interest therto: & therfore bad him beg one out
of it, And tht att the same time, hee did see the sd Capt Mitchell, take
the sd ffox by the shoulders, & turne him forth of doores, & further
sayth not.
Jurat, Corae Ed. Scott.
P. 49
Mtillikin y.
John Odber Aged 36 yeares or thereabouts, sworne 28th Aprill
1658 sayth That about October last was tweluemonth he this Depont
heard Mr Rich. Harris condicon & agree wth James Mullikin, That
if hee the sd James would seate his plantaon, wth some seruants, tht
hee the sd Harris would place wth him to helpe build & cleare the sd
plantaon, The Crop being finished hee the sd Mr Harris did promise
to giue him Three months worke wth an able hand, for his winters
worke, & further hee cannot depose.
Jurat Corae Ed: Scott.
Re Douty
James Veitch Aged thirty yeares or thereabouts 28 Aprill 1658
Sworne & examined sayth That hee, about the end of ffebruary, or
beginning of March last, as neare as he can remember, did by chance
meete one Mr Randal Reuell of Accomack, & in discourse asked him
if hee knew one Mr Dowty, a Minister in Accomack. This depont
continuing his discourse saying tht he knew a freind of the sd Mr
Dowtyes, tht would willingly haue procured him a Benefice in Patuxt
Ryuer, if the Inhabts of Accomack would giue way tht hee should
come from thence, And the sd Randall replyed, tht he knew the sd
Mr Dowtye would not bee for their turne, ffor tht hee knew him to
bee a man gyuen to many uices, & easpecially to drinking, & further
hee sayth not.
Jurat Corae Ed: Scott.
Chareman v.
James Lindsey Aged 32 yeares or thereabouts 30th Apr. 1658
deposed, sayth, (att the request of John Chareman) That hee know-
eth very well, tht a certaine Crop of Tob, wch Willm Boreman, & John
Chareman were partners in, att Nangemy, was lost & spoyled for
want of Cask, & more he cannot depose.
Jurat Corae Ed. Scott.
Christopher Joanes aged 23 yeares or thereabouts 30th Aprill 1658,
deposed, sayth, (att the request of John Chareman) That the Crop,
as in Oath former, was utterly spoyled for want of Cask, Save only