Seamor (Seamer, Seymour,
Semar),Lettice,434; Thomas
10, II, 24, 32, 37, 72, 78, 103,
128, 137, 152, 167, 179, 220,
247; v. Coursey, 11; v. Elton-
head, 32, 78, 167; v. Gary,
103, 137, 179-
Searchwell, Thomas, 596, 600.
Sedition, 133, 144, 308, 507, 526.
Selye (Seely), Thomas, 133,
169; William, 523, 524; v.
Adams, 133.
Senserfe (Senswerfe), Walter,
8, 36, 79, 336, 570, 580; v.
Billingsley, 8; v. Jolly, 79.
Servant, 2, 5-9, 11, 14, 18, 19,
21-23, 26-28, 32, 35, 67, 68,
70, 72, 77, 82, 84, 86, 103, 115,
135, 145, 152, 154, 157, 180,
181, 186, 190, 227, 230-233,
237, 246, 249, 250, 259, 262-
264, 270, 302, 316, 332, 338,
339, 348, 350, 358, 361, 363,
367, 371, 386-388, 417, 418,
422, 432, 434, 435, 439, 440,
452, 456, 468-471, 476-478, 481,
482, 485, 494, 406, 497, 499,
5o6, 514, 515, 521, 540, 554,
569, 582, 588, 593, 599, 601,
602, 604.
Severn, 5, 19, 66, 113, 162, 177,
180, 232, 233, 235, 283, 320,
406, 408, 521.
Sewell (Sewall), Anne, 511:
Henry, 493, 496, 509, 513, 516,
533, 541, 571, 598; John, 4, 12,
136; Prudence, 509-511; v.
Nanfan, 513.
Shacklady, James, 337.
Shanks, John, 192, 195.
Sharpe, Mary, 597; Peter, 5-7,
22, 26, 139, 161-164, 185, 258,
275, 316, 326, 573, 574, 597,
Sheale (Shell, Sheels, Shele,
Shale), Bridget, 341, 490,
563; Robert, 42, 47, 64, 71,
101, 298, 341, 452, 490, 563-
Shears (Sheeres), Abraham,
424, 442.
Shedman, Jeremiah, 444, 445.
Shelton, Thomas, 497.
Sheppey, Richard, 39, 195, 198,
241, 242, 400.
Sheriff of Anne Arundel
County, Powers, 300; Ap-
pointment of, 86; Assault on,
602, 603; Fees, 285, 286, 291,
322, 336, 348, 368, 371, 383,
398, 413, 423, 526, 551i: Oath
of, 87; Refusal to aid, 315,
316; v. Ticknor, 119.
Shareman (Shearman, Chayr-
man, Chareman), Edward,
40, 50, 71, 83-85, 95, 153-155,
593, 594; v. Boreman, 50, 71,
84, 153-155.
Sherriden, Thomas, 20, 21, 44;
v. Blinkhorne, 44.
Sherwood, Hugh, 604.
Shirtcliffe (Shirleife, Shurt-
liff), John, 43, 44, 64, 85, 86
125, 194, 202, 298, 344, 447
491, 590.
Short, Tabitha, 112.
Sidney, Col. John, 235, 236.
Silver, Tankard, 80.
Simkin, Robert, 365.
Simme, Marmaduke, 530.
Simpson (Sympson), Alexan-
der, 500; Paul, 13, 22, 30, 31
82, 102, 115, 157, 158;
Thomas, 471, 530, 556, 569;
v. Batchelor, 530, 556.
Sinclere (Sinkler, Sinklow)
John, 332, 385, 541; William
37, 179-
Slade, William, 320.
Slander, see Defamation, 132,
183, 200.
Slaves, see Negroes and In-
dians, 255.
Sledd, Joshua, 2, 23; v. Peake,
Sleigh, James, 401, 403.
Slingsby, John, 28.
Slye, Robert, 85, 86, 88, 89, 94,
95, 100, 115, 158, 159, 172-174,
232, 324, 352, 355, 356, 389,
391, 427, 428, 454, 461, 551,
565, 569, 571, 578-580, 587,
596, 597, 600, 601, 603; v.
Battin, 569, 579, 580; v. Fen-
dall, 597, 601; v. Jolly, 232 ;
». Macklyn, 461.
Smith, Ann, 20; Edmund, 56;
Elizabeth, 303; Emperor, 33,
49, 68, 123, 134, 165, 268, 349!
Goodman, 181; John, 82, 184 ;
Matthew, 45, 103, 303, 385,
389, 477; Maurice, 9, 95, 117,
118, 120; Richard, I, 19, 23,
32-34, 36, 39, 49, 62, 80, 162,
183, 224, 251, 283, 285, 287,
292, 293, 301, 305, 336, 363,
369, 370, 385-388, 417, 418,
421, 422, 496, 503, 514, 566,
568, 570, 580, 600; Robert,
129, 592; Rose, 129, 157, 161,
181; Samuel, 578-580, 586,
587, 596, 597, 600, 601;
Thomas, 597; Walter, 185,
249, 314; William, 209; v. At-
chison, 349; v. Battin, 369,
370, 385-388; v. Brooks, 34;
v. Cockerel, I, 32; v. Doring-
ton, 285; v. Eltonhead, 33 ;
v. Haddaway, 568, 592; v.
Hopkins, 49; v. Obder, 49;
v. Pott, 49, 80; v. Smith, 49;
v. Standley, 33; v. Sudward,
314; v. Veitch, 49.
*Smith's Joy, 285.
Smithson, John, 154.
Smithstown, 460, 463.
Smoot, Richard, 343; William,
128, 179, 344, 362, 447, 448,
450, 512, 571, 587, 588.
Snow, Abel, 265, 373, 531-534.
540, 542-550, 567, 571, 572,
595, 596; Edith, 531, 532, 542,
548-550, 572, 595; Marma-
duke, 506, 507, 525, 527, 530-
534, 542-550, 567, 571, 572,
595, 596; Walter, 549, 571,
572; v. Gerard, 506, 507, 525,
527, 530-534, 542-550, 567.
571, 572, 595, 596.
*Snow Hill Manor, 166, 248,
265, 372, 373, 522, 523, 528,
534, 547, 548.
Snowks, Thomas, 313.
South, Thomas, 105, 106, 109,
111, 168, 243, 244, 257, 283,
298-300, 313, 318, 319, 322,
Southerly, William, 522.
Southern, Thomas, 435, 436,
501, 502, 504; v. Bradnox,
Sparks, ———— , 9; William, 573.
Speake, Thomas, 8, 477, 478,
5"- 595; V- Reynolds, 8, 595.
Speedwell, Barque, 442.
Spencer, Nicholas, 355, 356, 359,
*Spesutia, 456, 460, 529.
Spinke, Henry, 344, 400, 423,
Sprigge, Thomas, 55, 89, 196,
198, 200, 219-221, 486, 596.
Stack, Robert, 522, 523, 594.
Stagwell (Stagewell, Stegall),
Thomas, 5, 11, 34. 135, 136;
v. Morgin, 34; v. Thompson,
34; v. True,11.
Standish, John, 156, 157.
Standley (Stanley), Hugh, 31,
33, 155, 159, 174, 182, 184,
200, 204, 207, 219, 220, 228,
233, 268, 296, 301, 302, 330,
354, 358, 416, 419, 479-481,
486, 551, 556, 569, 570, 585,
586, 595, 596, 599, 600, 601;
v. Bentley, 596, 600, 601; v.
Burdett, 570, 585, 586, 599;
v. Pott, 159, 184; v. Scapes's
Estate, 586; v. Senserfe, 570;
v. Sheriff of St. Mary's, 595;
v. Smith, 600; v. Tilghman,
358; v. Trueman, 599.
Stanford, Richard, 292.
Starchy (Starkey), Lawrence,
54, 125, 197, 217-219, 277, 278,
582, 583.
Stavelay, Adam, 7, 67, 139, 161-
164; Hugh, 127; v. Sharpe,
Steelpone Creek, 460.
Steeres, Thomas, 507, 512, 519;
v. Coleman, 512.
Stenwick, Cornelius, 579, 580,
Stephens (Stevens), John, 103,
132, 164, 360, 361, 423, 512;
Richard, 429, 430.
Stephenson (Stephens, Stev-
ens), Elizabeth, 305; Wil-
liam, 50, 64, 70, 98, 123, 126,
151, 179, 283, 284, 483.