p. 1122
of August 1662
Present Coll Wm Evans Mr Thomas Mathews Mr John Lawson
Mr Luke Gardner Mr Richard LLoyd Comrs
To the Worpfull Com" of St Marys County
The humble peticon of John Hammond Sheweth That the last
Spring yor petr bought of John Lumbroso certaine Goods for a
Surhe of tobacco by them agreed on payable att the Cropp who
offered him Bill for the same which he delayed to take, he professing
very much kindnes & severall extraordinary Curtesyes to him yor petr
but by his frequenting yor petrs howse, and by some discourse dropt
from his wife and the sd Lumbroso, he found cause to forwarne him
his howse, The sd Lumbroso being soe debarred of his former ad-
mittance sends one Isham to demand bill of yor petr for a greater
Quantity then was due to him which yor petr refused to pass, he the
sd Lumbroso reported that he had intrusted yor petr with his Goods
and Could not gett payment, But that yor petr would haue had him
layn with his wife for sattisfaccon and broached the same soe Con-
fidently and frequently that itt became a Generall discourse and hath
soe blemisht yor petr that he is become the by word and Scoff of
many and hath soe irrepayrable injured him both in this Province
and Virginea that itt hath woly taken away his hope of Liuely hood,
He therefore prayeth that the matter & aggrevacons may be seriously
taken notice of and he repayred according to the merritt of his Of-
fence and yor petrs suffrings And he shall pray &c.
p. 1123
John Sheirtcliff aged 44 yeares sworne and Exam .... Cort ....
she would or words to that Effect & further sayth not
John Sheirtcliffe
Walter Pakes aged fifty foure yeares sworne and Examined in
open Cort sayth, That sometyme the last Spring being att the howse
of Mr Sheirtcliffe, he this depont did heare att the howse that Doctor
Lumbroso should say that Mr Hammond had proffered him his wife
to lye wth her in sattisfaccon of some Goods the said Hammond had
of the said Lumbroso, And this depont goeing home to his howse
mett with Mr Hamond where this .... did reprove the sd Hamond
for proffering his wife to the sd Lumbroso whereupon Mr Hammond
answered this depont that he asked the sd Lumbroso why he gaue his
wife an Elle of fine Holland and the said Lumbroso answered him,
that he gave itt her for the tymes he had layne with her, And the sd
Hamond swore many Bloody oathes and called the sd Lumbroso