April 24
Re Lewis
George Goodrick hauing marryed Vrsule the Relict of Capt Willm
Lewis, Deceased demandeth Ires of Admistraon uppon the Estate of
the sayd Lewis.
This day came George Goodrick of Portobacco in the prouince of
Mary Land & acknowledged himselfe indebted, to the Ld Pro-
prietary of this prouince in the summe of Twenty Thowsand pownds
of Tob & cask, in case he doe not make, or cause to bee made a true
& pefect Inuentory of all & singular goods, chatties & debts of Capt
Willm Lewis deceased, wch shall or may come to his hands, possesn
or knowledge. Nor the same doe exhibite into the Office for Pro-
bate of Wills, & graunting Adrnistraons before the first day of
September next, unlesse uppon iust demand longer time be graunted
him by the Secretary. Nor the same goods chatties & debts, doe
well & truly admister, That is to say doe not pay the debts of the sd
deceased, wch hee did owe att his decease as far as the sd goods,
chatties & debts will extend, & the Law charge him. Or if hee
shall not make a true & iust accompt of & uppon his sayd Admis-
traon when hee shall bee therto lawfully requyred. Or shall not
distribute & dispose the remainder of the sd goods & chatties, wch
shall be fownd uppon his sd accompt, examined & allowed in the sd
Office, in such manner & forme, as shall be limitted & appoynted by
the Judge or Judges appoynted or authorized in tht behalfe. And
in case any Last will & Testamt of the Lewis shall appeare & the
Exequutoe or Exequutoes therein named doe exhibite the same
making request to haue the same approued accordingly, Then if hee
doe not after request to him lawfully made render & deliuer up his
Lres of admistraon into the sd Office. Or shall not att any time
acquitt, discharge & saue harmelesse the Secretary & all other
Officers impowred to the graunt of Lres of Admistraon agst all
persons hauing or pretending to haue any right, tytle, or Interest in
& to the sd goods, chatties, & debts.
Recognit Cora me Willm Bretton George Goodricke
Lres Admistraon to George Goodrick.
Caecilius absolute Lord & Prope of the prouinces of Maryland &
Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltemore &c: To George Goodrick of
Portobacco in Charles County. Who hath lately marryed Vrsula the
Relict of Capt Willm Lewis. Greeting. Whereas Willm Lewis late
of this prouince Deceased dyed wthout any Will .....