P. C. R.
Thirdly how I came by the deeds I declare vpon my oathe That the
tyme of pay being neare I questioning with the Feoffes both together
about my pay they tould me that itt will be to the benefitt of the
Orphant, to lett the bargaine of the land falle and to returne the
deeds unto me (or in words to this effect) which troubled me very
much haueing by my remouall been much brought into debt, And
from Mr Langworths promise confidently depending on itt Soe that
being disapoynted itt proved to me greate damage therefore to
auoyde itt there being foure thousand Eight hundred ninety and two
pounds of tobacco due vpon my acco I proffered to take three thou-
sand five hundred if they would keepe the land, and make itt the
childs, they not accepting my proffer nor soe much as desireing for-
bearance deliuered me the deeds of the land with theis termes wee
conceiue the land to be yours for were itt the childs wee could not
dispose of itt, or in words to this sence, The Feoffees being both
together in Coll Euans his howse there I received the deeds from
them both together Conceiuing if I should haue refused my land I
could not sue for my tobacco, I was forct to accept of itt ....
P. 1072
[Fourthly] performed according to our agreemt I doe farther
declare that he heard itt truely read, before he signed & deliuered itt
Fiftly to whome & for how much the land was sould since I was
inforct to take itt by the Feoffees I declare vpon my oathe That I
sould the land to my brother Tettershall for five thousand pounds of
tobacco and caske with three yeares day of payment, I being com-
pelld to sell itt for feare of farther damage, could make noe more of
itt And where Coll Evans sayth I twice sould itt & recd double pay
for itt I doe here affirme that I haue not [re]ceived my full Sume
of Eight thousand pounds of tobacco that I should haue had of
John Greenwell nor when I haue received the full debt of my brother
Tettershall I shall not haue sattisfaccon according to my first Bar-
As for the deeds I declare vpon my oathe I haue noe other but this
which here I deliuer the other are not in my Custody nor at my
power to comand they are my Brother Tettershalls
Lastly whereas Coll Euans p'tendeth ignorance in all things I doe
declare upon my oathe I shewed him & Mr Langworth the Acco of
the Tobaccoes recd by me in John Greenwells life tyme, And alsoe
the bond for the Eight thousand pounds of tobacco before ever they
deliu[er]ed me back the deeds of the land in Coll Euans his howse
John Pille
To the honoble Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor of Maryland with
the Councell of State
The Reply of Coll Wm Euans in behalfe of the orphan of Jno
Greenwell decd To the Remonstrance of Jno Pille The Complt humbly
sheweth that in his former bill of Complaynt agt John Pille in the
behalfe of the orphan of Jno Greenwell he truely & sincerely ....