Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. . 557
refuse to produce the same, he humbly prayeth that he may be Im-
powred to require view of the said discharges and that if any should
obstinately deney to produce the same, And he should Comence accon
against any of them, they producing discharges in Cort would recover
against yor petr for vnjust molestacon and soe very much impayes
the said Estate.
He prayeth that if after a modest and legall demand any shall not
produce or showe the sd discharges whereby he shall be compelled
to enter action agt any of them, order from this Cort that the
molestacon may not be accompted unjust & that they may be com-
pelled to pay necessary Suite And he shall pray &c.
Vpon the peticon aboue written It is ordered that the Administra-
tor haue day to the last of August to bring in the acco of Sadleirs
Estate & that he is hereby impowred to demand sight of all dis-
charges by Sadleir given, and vpon Refusall to Comence suite agt the
Refusers in which all Corts are hereby required to grant noe costs agt
the Administrator.
The Cort ajourned till 9 of the clock in the morning
P. C. R.
p. 1067
Thursday 5th of June 1662
Present As before
To the honoble Philip Calvert Esqr Governor and Chancellor of
Maryland with the Councell of State, The humble Complaynt in
Chancery of Wm Evans of St Clements Bay in the County of St
Marys agt John Pile of Wiccocomaco in the County aforesd on the
behalfe of James Greenwell sonne of John Greenwell deceased.
The Comprt sheweth That John Pille sold vnto John Greenwell
[a] certaine tract of land lying att the head of a Creeke in Brettons
[Bay] .... Nevetts Creeke for the Sume of Eight thousand ....
said Greenwell vnto the said howse, on that land, which was some
June 5
Evans v.
charge to him liveing thereon not full two yeares, and then dyed in
actuall posson of the same, Leaueing this Comprt and James Lang-
worth ffeoffes in trust, for the well ordering and Looking after his
Child and his Estate during which tyme Pille accknowledgeth to
haue received from Greenwell 4000H tobacco only which was payd
by him as he Confesseth, though the Complt hath since vnderstood,
and will Endeavor to make appeare how Greenwell before his death
signifyed to some of his Neighbours that he ought the said Pille little
or nothing as touching that Purchase. Further the Complt could
not [have] proved any thing att all payd by Greenwell nor that other
Feoffes late decd, but only by Mr Piles second Demand, and his
accknowledgmt or confession as aforesaid noe Accquittance appeare-
ing or found amongst his paps any wayes relating thereto, not soe
much as the Convevance or Deed of the said land. The Complt
p. 1068