Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 535
The plt sues for nine hundred pounds of tobacco, due by specialty
from the deft which specialty is as followeth.
This bill bindeth me Vincent Atcheson my heires Ex™ and Assigns
to pay or cause to be payd unto Dauid Abercromby his heires Exec-
utors or Assigns the Sume of nine hundred pounds of good bright
and large sound Maryland able new Tobacco, and Caske of this
prsent Cropp and that to be payd Betwixt the date of this Bill and
the last .... next comeing, or att any other Tearme or .... where
itt shall happen the said Dauid .... the same In Wittness of .......
this 16th day of Aug .... Atcheson
P. C. R.
Capt James
Admr of
decd v.
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell of the Prouince of
p. 1032
The humble peticon of John Abington Attorney of Thomas Corn-
wallis Esqr Humbly sheweth That Vincent Atcheson doth owe unto
the said Thomas Cornwallis fifteene pounds and a halfe of Beauer
three hundred and thirty pounds of Tobacco and Caske by noate and
forty six pounds of Beauer upon Acco
Yor petrs humble request is that he may haue an order of this
honoble Cort for his debt with charge of Suite and damage of non
payment And he shall pray &c.
v. Atchison
Accounted with Thomas Cornwallis the day abouesd and I ace-
knowledge my selfe Debtor to him fifteene pounds and a halfe of
good well furred wynter Beaver in Season, and foure hundred thirty
six pounds of good sound Leafe Tobacco according to the Act of As-
sembly wth Caske Wittnes my hand Vincent Atcheson
Wittnes John Abington
Recd in parte of this bill 106tt of tobacco Feb. 3d 1661
The plt sues p[ro]ut in pet: The deft Confesses a Judgemt for the
aboue menconed Sumes.
May the
9th 1661
To the honoble the Leiutennt Generall & Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of [Thomas Wynne] Sheweth .... other
f urrs as he the said Wynn should approue off and alsoe one hundred
and Eight muske ratt skins to be payd vpon all demand after the
date of the said bill as by the said bill (relacon being thereunto had)
att large appeareth Yett now soe itt is may itt please yor honors that
yor petr haueing twice demanded the said debt of the said Uincent
he utterly refused to sattisfye the same contrary to lawe and Equity,
Yor petr therefore humbly craues Judgemt vpon the said bill and he as
in duty bound shall ever &c.
Knowe all men by theis prsents that I Thomas Wynn haue assigned
and ordeined and made, and in my stead & place by theis prsents
Wynne v.
P. 1033