P. C. R.
General v.
Holt et al
The Jurors for the Lord Proprietary doth prsent Robert Holte of
Greenes Poynte in Se Georges Hundred in the County of St Marys
Cooper whoe being formly prsented for marrying one Christean
Bonnefeild (his owne lawfull wife Dorothy being still liueing) and
being graciously pardoned for that offence att that tyme yett still
the said Robert Holte not haueing the feare of God before his eyes
doth still cohabite and incontinantly Hue with the said Christean
Bonnefeild Contrary to the forme of the Statute in that case pro-
vided and agt the peace of the Lord Prop" his rule and Gouernmt
v. Lord
The humble peticon of John Hammond Sheweth That yor petrs
wife at the perswasion of Capt William Mitchell and Richard Hos-
keys did confess a Judgemt As Attorney agt yor petrs estate for six
thousand pounds of Tobacco (for what Cause he knoweth not) to
one John LLord a person altogether vnknowne unto him and by
which Judgemt he is lyable to be molested if not prvented
He humbly prayeth that this peticon with the oathe hereto annexed
may be Entred upon Record as a Barre in case of any molestacon
for the same.
Alsoe he doth hereby signifye that for this and other reasons he
doth hereby recall make uoyd and null all power of Attorneyship
granted to her, and by her deriued to any other person or persons
whatsoeuer which he likewise prayeth may be Entred And he shall
Walter Pake aged fifty three yeares or thereabouts sworne and
Examined in open Con the 12th of November 1661 Sayth That after
the departure of John Harhond out of this Province he was prsent at
a Cort houlden at Patuxent (William Fuller then ruleing the Country
as Gouernor) where Mrs Harhond one John Lord Capt Mitchell and
Richard Hoskeys were Conferring together, There they perswaded
the said Mrs Harhond to Signe a bill to the said Lord for six thousand
pounds of tobacco, and desired him this depont to Wittness itt, which
with much perswasions of the said partyes, he did, but would haue
had the said Mitchell to haue wittnessed itt likewise who refused,
replying I cannot wittness such a date because it is knowne I was not
in the Country, the same replyed the said Hoskins, This depont