To the honob!e the Gouernor [and Councell] of Maryland ....
one hundred and fifty acres of land vpon the Cliffes in Consideracon
of fiue thousand pounds of tobacco & Caske which yor petr has payd
unto the sd Wm Parker
Yor petr humbly craues yor honors to Comand the said William
Parker that justly he warrants the said land to yor peticonr and to
giue him reasonable assurance thereof And he shall pray &c.
The plt desires p[ro]ut in peticon and desires that the Euidences
of John Barwell and Francis Chalke taken in the cause afore goeing
may be made use of in this Cause and further produceth this
receipt (Vizt)
Receiued of Thomas and James Billingsley fiue thousand pounds
of tobacco and Caske Anno 1660 for one hundred and fifty acres of
land which I sould thm lying next to Francis Chalkes I say receiued
by me Signed Will: Parker.
Whereupon the Cort Considered: Ordered that this Cause be
respitted till the last day of this Court and that then if the said
William Parker appeare not to answere this Suite he being now ready
to departe the Province that the Sherriffe Attache to the vallue of fif-
teene hundred pounds of tobacco till the said Willrs Parker shall giue
them assurance of the land soe bought as aforesaid or else to shew
good Cause to the Contrary
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell of the Prouince of
The humble peticon of John Cobreth Administrator in trust of
John Billingsley Sheweth that Billingsleys heire has noe right or tytle
to the said land