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Stripes and he sayd there was fifty odd And yor depont sayth that
another tyme goeing to the thicckett to worke, his Master Cutt a
Stick and beate the said Watson till he broake itt and when he had
done he cutt another and gaue it John White and bad him driue him
a long and further sayth not Thomas [mark] Southerne his marke
The deposicon of John White aged 22 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and Examined in Cort the 17th of July 1660
Yor depont sayth that Thomas Watson in tyme of his Sicknes had
very bad usadge not fitt for a Christean in his weake condicon And
yor depont further sayth that his Master Capt Thomas Bradnox and
his Mrs Mary the wife of the said Bradnox forewarned yor depont
and the rest of his fellowe Seruants from carrying either Victualls
or drinke to the foresaid Thomas Watson vntill he came into the
dwelling howse for itt vpon perill of a Basted Coate Soe that the said
Watson continued six dayes and noe body durst to carry him either
Victualls or drinke Soe that the said Watson was forst to drinke his
owne water the seauenth day the said Watson came into .... desired
for Gods sake for to giue him some .... him Buffle head and ....
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asked him if he .... if thou Doest thou art mistaken I will take
none out of my Crop to that purpose for thou art enough to be out
of itt And yor depont further sayth that aboute three dayes before
the said Watson dyed he sayd to yor depont John God by for my
Mrs hath been my death and yor depont askt him, How and he
answered by a Blowe my Mrs gaue me with A Cowle staffe ouer the
small of the back After yor depont had heard what he sayd yor depont
called his Mistres Thomas Southerne and Sarah Taylor, and the
said Watson mayntayned what he had tould yor dcpont to her Face
before them, his Mrs called him Rouge and sayd he lyed it was a
Kick with her Foote And yor depont further Sayth that the said
Watson doth walke and that he hath seene him two seuerall tymes
the first tyme was in the night yor depont being troubled in his Sleepe
awaked and turned his Face towards the Outside of the bed and he
sawe Thomas Watson standing by his Bedside or something in his
likenes wth that being scared yor depont turned himselfe aboute and
sayd Lord haue mercy upon me, and the said Watson went away and
gaue a Screeke And the next morning Yor depont tould his fellowe
seruant Sarah Taylor what he had seene, the second tyme yor depont
sawe the said Watson appeare was in the day tyme Betweene twelue
and one of the Clock and then he appeared in manner as before And
further yor depont sayth that his Master gaue the said Watson fifty
cruell blowes vpon the head and sides with a good round hicckory
Stick in the begining of his sicknes which made his head swell and
another tyme yor depont sayth that his Master followed him from
morning till Noone with a Stick in his hand to make him fetch wood
and beate him more like a dogg then a Christean, and after he had
broken his stick he gott another and gaue it yor depont and bad him