deceased .... as he is not .... prayes that they may be forced to
some issue .... that at length he may haue some Redress And he
shall pray &c
Thomas Prichard aged forty yeares or thereabouts sworne the
17th day of June 1661 Sayth That when this depont was Mr Ouerzees
Ouerseer at Portoback Mr Ouerzee brought one John Babtist vp to
him in or aboute the moneth of May 1651 And tould this depont
he could not tell what to doe with him askeing him this depont
whether he would take him in for a Share and he replyed noe, his
Crop was pitcht And the said Mr Ouerzee sayd that John Babtist
was his Seruant for two yeares or to pay him two thousand pounds
of tobacco for his Freedome whereupon this dept allowed the said
Mr Ouerzee halfe a Share of tobacco for that ensueing yeare and that
Mr Ouerzee left him with this depont at all Comands as Seruant and
further Sayth not T P
Jur. coram Philip Calvert. The marke of Thomas
At a Quarter Cort held at James Citty the 10th of March 1653
Present Richard Bennet Esqr Gouernor Coll Wm Clayborne Coll
Wm Bernard Coll Thomas Pettus Coll George Ludlowe Esqrs
Whereas John Babtista a moore of Barbary hath pet. for his
freedome and hath made it appeare by sufficient proofe that Mr
Ouerzee that brought him in did not sell him for his life tyme and
haueing already serued Major Thomas Lumbert fiue yeares The Cort
doth order that he shall yett serue two yeares more and then be free
or otherwise produce two thousand pounds of tobacco and Caske
to be forthwith payd at the Buck riuer at Kequotan or Newport
News Ro. Hubberd Clk
.... Lambert full sattisfaccon .... for the use of John .......