To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell
The humble peticon of John Babtist Sheweth That whereas yor petr
aboute fiue yeares last past did passe a bill of Eighteene hundred
pounds of tobacco and Caske to Symon Oversee yor peticonr not
understanding .... did, and being then a Seruant to the said
Symon .... humbly craues that he may haue his .... for seauen
moneths falce .... corne & cloaths
P. C. R.
Babtist v.
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell
The humble peticon of Elizabeth Greene on the behalfe of the
Orphants of Henry Potter deed That whereas Fobby Robinson
obteyned an order and an Execucon against the body or estate of yor
peticonr The said Fobby illegally went to a neighbours howse where
a Seruant of the said Orphants was at worke, and unjustly tooke
the Orphants Serut away and carryed him without any order or
legall proceeding therein vnto Capt Guythers howse and there layd
execucon vpon and appraysed the said man Serut at an vnder uallue
neither were the appraysors sworne according to lawe in such cases
prouided yr petr haueing before any Suite commenced proffered any
Sattisfaccon to the said Fobby either in good vendible goods being
Linnen woollen Shoes, Stockins a peece of silke, Feather bedd
or Cattle or tobacco this yeare with Interest all which he utterly
refused, yor petr likewise after the appraysemt of the said man
Seruant, being appraysed at sixteene hundred pounds of tobacco yor
petr proffered him two thousand rather then the Orphants Serut
should be taken away all which proposicons he refused
The pemisses considered yor petr humbly craueth yor W6pps to
take it into yor Consideracon what illegall and unjust proceedings the
said Fobby hath acted agt yor petr and the Orphants And that the
Orphants may be repossessed of the aforesaid man Serut Soe un-
justly taken away with legall reparacon for the wrongs offered agt
the Estate of the said Fobby Robinson And yor petr shall pray
Ordered that an Attaichmt be granted on the estate of Fobby
Robinson to answere unto Wm Greene and his wife in an accon of
the case of fiue thousand pounds of tobacco
Greene v.