To the honorable the Gouernor and Councell
The humble peticon of Henry Ellery Sheweth That yor peticonr
being Administrator to the Estate of Mr Willm Stephenson deceased
and haueing payd all the debts which were due out of the said Estate,
Sett vp a noate at the County Courte Doore that whoesoeuer could
clayme anything out of the said Estate should repayre unto him to
demand the same as by a Certifficatt vnder the Clarks hand appeareth
Yor petr humbly craues that a Quietus est may be granted to
him. And he s[hall pray] &c
I Walter Hall can Justifye that Henry Ellery hath sett vp a noate
at the Courte doore at New Towne two Courts last past To give
notice that if any person hath any iust debt agt the Estate of William
Stephenson to bring in by this Provinciall Courte as Wittnes my hand
Walter Hall.
Vpon the peticon abouesaid It is ordered that Henry Ellery sett vp
a noate at this Courte doore alsoe and if noe body appeare that he
haue a Quietus est granted him
P. C. R.
p. 499
son's Estate
To the honorable the Gouernor and Councell of the Prouince of
The humble peticon of John Hammond Sheweth That yor peti-
conr brought a considerable Estate into this Country and had severall
Ingagemts from many of the Inhabitants due to him, but was by com-
mand of the then Governor and power acting for the Lord Propri-
etary imployed in such services as by the dangerousnes of those
tymes caused his flight and remoueall leaueing behind him a greate
charge and Confused his Estate both which suffred irrepairably
Yor petrs wife in hopes of regayning some what towards mayn-
tenance of her oppressed family what with want of experience in
tryalls oppressions and Combinacons of her aduersaries appearing in
Courts seuerall orders haue passed against her to the great Injury
of yor peticon" Estate whoe hath been cutt of from her Just dues
imprisoned and other wayes dampnifyed Insoemuch that she was
not onely brought to extreame want, but yor petr wrapt up in strange
and vnjust Engagemts whoe left both a visible Estate Severall good
debts behinde him and was not ingaged matterially .... since by
misinformacon haue obteyned .... peticonr was enforced to five