Margarett Redfearne deceased servant to John Nevell supposed to
haue reed Some cause .... of her death from her Mistres Anne
Nevell .... that the said Margarett Redfearne hath received wrong
by blowes and Pinches as appeareth by and in three seuerall places
as on her left breaste and back and on her throate Giuen vndr our
hands this three and twentyth of August 1661
Nicholas Crauley his marke, O. Samuell Gosie his marke, X.
Francis Carpenter George Alderson S his mke, Robert Coburtknapt
Richard Morssam Thomas Pagett his marke P. John Greene his
marke i. John Bigger his marke i. John Titmas his marke O. Richard
Wordsworth O his marke James Godsgrece his marke S G.
Whereas Thomas Pagett hath complayned of John Nevell and
his wife Anne Nevell for the misusage of a mayd Servant of theirs
which the said Nevell and his wife haue unreasonably beaten abused,
and keepe the said Seruant Soe that she cannot come to make her
Aggreiuance knowne. Theis are therefore in the name of the Lord
Proprietr to will and require you Anne Poop and Anne Biger to goe
to the howse of the said John Nevell and there to view the body of
the mayd Seruant vpon sight hereof whether you can perceive the
said John Nevell and his wife hath giue their Mayd Servant any
vnlawfull blowes whereof you are not to fayle as you will answere the
Contrary Giuen vnder my hand this 30th day of July 1661
Hugh Stanley
The Confession of Margarett Redfearne
Vpon the twentyth day of August last past or thereabouts Mar-
garett Redfearne Seruant formerly to John Nevell declared vpon her
death bed that the bad vsage of her dame Anne Nevell was the
Cause of her death through the Blowes and Punchis which she the
said Anne Nevell gaue her in case she dyed, this she declared to the
very .... this Confession was made before us
Hugh Stanley Tobias Norton