476 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
Oct. 10
General v.
Thursday October 10th
Present as Yesterday
The Judgemt against Jenkins and Fuller is Respitted till to morrow
et al.
Then Proclamacon was made that if any person petend to haue
any Creditt due from the Estate of Cuthbert Fenwicke deceased
according to an order of the last Courte and noe person appeareing
to make any Clayme Ordered that a Quietus est be Granted to the
Administrators of the said Jane Fenwicke
Gerrard v.
The plt preferred his peticon and vpon readeing the same the deft
desired two houres respitt which was Graunted
Mackane v.
vpon an
from the
At a Courte held at New Towne for the County of St Marys 13th
August 1661
Present Coll. William Evans Mr Thomas Turner Mr John Abing-
ton Mr Luke Gardner Mr Thomas dent and Mr Richard LLoyd
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell
The humble peticon of Ricckett Mecane Humbly Sheweth That
yor peticoner being taken by force out of his natiue Country and
brought here vnto Maryland and sould vnto Mr Thomas Gerrard
And after yor peticoner had been a while at the howse of Mr Gerrard
The said [Mr] Gerrard compelled yor peticonr .... serue him fifteene
p. 491
.... Served Mr Gerrard Six yeares and a halfe and is now one and
twenty yeares of age by the aforesaid Indenture hath Eight yeares
and a half more to serue which is contrary to the lawes of God and
man that a Christian Subject should be made a Slaue
The premisses considered yor petr most humbly desireth that yor
honor will be pleased to grant yor peticonr an order for his freedome
And he shall pray
Ordered that this peticon be referred to the County Courte and
that the Servant haue the liberty to sue his Master And that the
Sherriffe of St Marys .... this peticon to the County Courte whoe
are to see Justice done in the busines John Gittings Clk.
Whereas the peticon of the plt haueing been referred from the
Provinciall Courte to this Courte with an order annexed to see
Justice done therein The deft alleadgeing that when this peticon was
preferred at the Provinciall Courte was at such tyme as he was not
there and noe Suite commenced Whereupon the deft desired an Ap-
peale to the next Provinciall Courte The Courte after much debate