P. C. R.
Allanson v.
To the Right honoble the Gouernor and Councell
The humble peticon of Thomas Allanson Humbly Sheweth That
yor peticoner being Overseer to the Right honoble the Governors Ser-
vants at the Quarter and comeing one Sattirday in the afternoon to
the Create owse (as yor peticonr was often accustomed) at yor
peticonrs departure from thence homewards to the Quarter aboute
tenn a clock of the night yor peticonr was assaulted by one William
Brookes whoe with a greate Cudgell which he had on That purpose
provided, in cold blood and in the darke did most inhumanely twice
knock downe yor petr giving him severall Cruell Blowes Yor petr
being unarmed and not able to make any defence other then calling
out for Rescue as yor petr can by sufficient testimonyes make appeare
Yor peticonr humbly referring the pemisses to yor honors Con-
sideracon humbly craveth that the said Brookes may be Compelled
to make sattisfaccon to yor petr And yor petr shall pray &c.
Penelope Hall aged twenty three yeares or thereabouts Sworne
and Examined this 29th of July 1661 Sayth That on or aboute the
last day of June betweene nine and tenn of the Clock at night pres-
ently after she came from milking she sawe Mr Calvert cutt an ould
Lymm of a Cherry tree fitt for his .... all the twiggs and made it
Knotty and as she was .... lawe Mr William Calvert .... he Cutt