Whoe being Sworne and their Charge given them they withdrew
to make Inquisicon to the Indictmt of Wm Gyles and Anne Nevell
The prt demands an Indian of the deft promist him in Sattisf accon
of another Indian belonging to the plt sould by order of the deft vnto
the Queene of Portoback, And the plt not being able to make any
thing appeare a Non Suite was Granted to the deft.
Moore v.
To the Right honorable the Gouernor and Councell of the Province
of Maryland
The humble peticon of Dennis Ascolar Humbly Sheweth That yor
peticonr came into the Province of Maryland with Captaine Henfeild
which Henfeild did sell yor peticonr to Walter Beane for the tearme
of seauen yeares which tyme yor peticonr hath honestly serued
Wherefore yor peticonr humbly craueth that this honorable Courte
will be pleased to take it into their serious Consideracon that as yor
peticonr came in without any Indenture may not be forced to serue
any longer then yor petr came into the Country for And yor petr shall
pray &c.
The plt sues as in peticon abouesaid The .... bought him for
Ascolar v.
seauen .... an according to a deed here Showne in Courte which
deed pecisely not nameing the Servant, It is ordered that the Servant
be brought to the next Provinciall Courte and that Walter Beane be
summoned to the Courte to testefye for how many yeares he bought
the plt of Capt Henfeild
p. 484
To the honorable the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of Thomas Gerrard Sheweth That Whereas
Thomas Belcher is indebted to yor pef Six hundred and fifty pounds
of tobacco and Caske by Bill and likewise two thousand nine hundred
thirty Eight pounds of tobacco and Caske as yor peticonr is Attorney
of John Lord for which Summes yor petr humbly craues order
against the said Belchers Estate And he shall pray &c.
Gerard v.