P. C. R.
Governor of the Province of Maryland and the said daniell Clocker
did vndertake for the aforesaid Thomas Coartney and then the said
Thomas Coartney did for himselfe undertake that the said Thomas
Coartney would appeare at the next Provinciall Courte to be houlden
at St Marys the Eigth of October next, And that in the meane tyme
he doe well behaue himselfe towards his LoP and all the people in this
Province to witt that he doe not nor procure to be done any damage
or hurte to any of the people of this Province or any of their Cattle
whatsoeuer by lying wayte Insulte or any other manner that may
tend to the breach or disturbance of his Lops peace, that is to say the
said Daniell Clocker vpon payne of fiue thousand pounds of tobacco
and the said Thomas Courtney vpon payne of tenn thousand pounds
of tobacco which said seueall Sums of fifteene thousand pounds of
tobacco the said daniell Clocker for himselfe and the said Thomas
Courtney for himselfe doe accknowledge to owe to his L6P the Lord
and Proprietor of this Province of the land goods and Chatties of
them and euery of them to be leauyed to the vse of his said Lop. if
the said Thomas Coartney shall happen to fayle in any of the pemisses
and hereof be lawfully Convicted dated at St Marys the day and
yeare abouesaid
Capt et Recognit Thomas Courtney
General v.
p. 477
Memorandum that the Eight and twentyth day of February in the
yeare of our Lord 1660 Thomas Gerrard of St Clements Mannor in
the County of St Marys came personally before us the Governor and
Councell and did assume for himselfe vpon payne of tenn thousand
weight of tobacco that he shall well behaue himselfe towards his Lop
the Right honoble the Lord Proprietary and all the people of this
Province whatsoeuer to witt that he shall not doe or cause or procure
to be done any dammage or hurte to any of the said people vpon their
bodyes by lying in wayte insulte or any other meanes which may any
wayes tend to the hurte or disturbance of his Lops peace nor speake
or doe any .... contempt of his Lops rule and Gouernmt, here or for
the publishing establishing or advancing any other Right or tytle to
the Propriety or dominion of this Province then the right and tytle
of his said Lop or his heires which said Sume of tenn thousand
pounds of tob he did accknowledge to owe to his said Lop of his
respective lands and tenements Goods and Chatties to the vse of his
said Lop and his heires to be made and leauyed to whose hands
soeuer the same shall come, if the said Thomas Gerrard shall infringe
or breake any of the pemisses Respectiuely In Wittness whereof wee
the said Governor and Councell haue hereunto sett our hands and
lesser Seale of this Province dated at St Marys the day and veare
first aboue written