Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 463
John Anderton demands a writt to arrest Thomas Bennett in an
accon of the case
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest ret. the
first day of the next Provinciall Courte
P. C. R.
5th August
Anderton v.
William Bushell demands a writt to arrest Thomas dent Executor
vnto Coll. William Price in an accon of the case.
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest ret: ut
Bushell v.
Robert Hooper demands a writt to arrest William Greene and
Elizabeth his wife in an accon of the case
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest ret ut
Hooper v.
John Vanhack recordeth his marke of Cattle &c vizt over Keeled
on the left eare and cropt on the Right and one other marke which
is over Keeled on the Right Eare and a hole in the left
Cattle mark
William Asberston recordeth his marke of Cattle &c (vizt) Cropt
on both Eares and the Arrowhead taken out behind of both Eares.
William Calvert Esqr Recordeth his marke of Cattle &c (vizt) the
7th Aug.
Left Eare with the fore parte taken away and on the Right Eare
the hind parte taken away
31 May 1661
This day came Mr Charles James and Surrendred up a Pattent of
three hundred acres called Smithstowne to the Lord Proprietor and
desired that he might haue a new one Granted him with an addicon
of three hundred acres more to itt and to be all putt into one Pattent
and to be called Drayton
p. 473
9th August
Re James
This day came Richard Forster and desired the ensueing Indenture
to be Recorded (vizt)
This Indenture made the foure and twentyth day of February in
the yeare of our lord one thousand Six hundred forty Seaven Be-
tweene Thomas Gerrard of ————— in the Province of Maryland
Esqr of the one party and Nicholas Guyther and Thomas Jackson of
the same place Planters of the other party Wittnesseth that the said
Thomas Gerrard Esqr hath demised and to farme sett and by theis
pesents doth demise and to farme lett one Neck or parcell of ground
10th Aug.
Re Forster
with one Hand called by the name of St Margaretts Hand Bounding
vpon Wiccocomaco River North and soe running vp North from a
Branch of a Creeke called by the name of Back Creeke and soe
Northward soe farr as doth or may contayne seaven hundred acres
in measure To haue and to hould the same Hand with the neck of
land by them the said Nicholas Guyther and Thomas Jackson their
heires Executors or assigns for and during the tearme of one and
Memd. that
the word
was in the
worne out