Csecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Mary-
land and Avalon .... Baltemore &c To John Collett .... inflicted
vpon the body of Thomas Gibbons to morrow being Sattirday be-
twixt the houres of nine and Eleauen of the clock in the forenoone
according to the Sentence giuen this 17th day of May in our Provin-
ciall Courte Wittnes our Deare Brother Philip Caluert Esqr our
Leiuetennt of our said Province of Maryland.
Signed Philip Calvert
Csecilius &c to Mr John Collett High Sherriffe of Baltemore
County Greeting Whereas by Judgement and Sentence of death was
by our Leiuetennt and Councell denounced against Thomas Gibbons
the 17th inst requiring you by writt vnder the hand of our Leiuetennt
and Sealed wth our lesser Seale at Armes to see the Execucon per-
formed this pesent instant betwixt the houres of nine and Eleaven of
the Clock in the Afternoone, Wee haueing of our meere mercy to
the said Thomas Gibbons in hopes that for the future he may become
a new man pardoned and freely forgiuen him this fellony whereof
and vnder which he now stands condemned. Wittnes our Deare
Brother Philip Caluert Esqr our Leiuetennant of our said Province
of Maryland. Philip Calvert
[For petition of Samuel Gouldsmith et alii and action thereon see
3 Md. Arch. Coun. 418]
[For petition of Nathaniel Utye and action thereon see 3 Md.