446 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
April 18
Re Pheypo
Thursday the 18th of Aprill pesent as aforesaid
This day came Marks Pheypo and deliuered up a Pattent of one
hundred and twenty acres of land to the vse of Francis Mogge and
John Coleman in open Courte
Roberts v.
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell of the Prouince of
The humble peticon of Fobby Roberts Sheweth That Whereas
William Greene is Justly indebted vnto yor peticonr for Goods sould
vnto the said Greene the Sume of three thousand two hundred Sixty
and nine pounds of tobacco and Caske being due fiue moneths since,
and yet vnpayd to the greate dammage of yor peticonr he being
deteyned here for want of the said tobacco.
Wherefore yor petr humbly desires an order of this honorable
Courte for the said tobacco with Damages and Costs of Suite And
he shall ever pray &c
An Accompt deliuered
Ordered that the deft pay the plt One thousand Eight hundred
twenty six pounds of tobacco which is the ballance of the Accompt
due vnto the plt with costs of Suite.
This day came Anne Hammond into open Courte and renounced
her Letter of Attorney
P. 451
Garnes v.
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell
The humble peticon of Richard Games Sheweth Whereas Thomas
Bennett Carpenter after Condicons drawn with yor petitiont for the
tearme of two yeares continuance being soe covenanted that the said
Bennett was to allowe yor peticonr for the first yeare one thousand
and for the second two thousand pounds of tobacco and Caske, But
now the said Bennett haueing within three moneths after fled from
his aforesaid Articles, and not retourned till the Expiracon of foure
yeares and haueing made noe provision nor take[n] noe Course for a
being for yor peticonr within the tyme Lymited in soe much that yor
petr was compelled to hyre himselfe for the Compassing Cloathes to
his Back and Meate for his mouth being streightned for Reassume-
ing any Imploymt till the said tearme Expired besides the losse of his
trade and wages receiueing much pejudice thereby
The pemisses Considered yor peticonr addresses himselfe to this
honorable Board for such sattisfaccon as shall be adjudged Requisite
And yor petr shall pray &c.
The plt sues p[ro]ut in peticon the defendt denyes the whole alle-
gacon in the peticon as it is there Layd and the deft putts him to proue
his p[ro]ut allegacons Whereupon the Compit produces John Van-
hack and George Wilson as Evidence