me and in my name and as my Act and deede to make Seale and
deliuer such acquittance or other discharge as shalbe thought meete,
Ratifying approueing and confirmeing all and whatsoeuer my said
Attorney shall herein doe or cause to be don by these presents In
wittness whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand and Seale the Nyne
and twentieth day of August Anno domini 1660, and in the twelth
yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Sec-
ond over England &c. Tho: Toulson
Sealed and deliuered in the presence of Test Ral. Story Robt
Morris Ri: Burclon.
P. C. R.
The Indictment retourned by the Grand Jury aforenamed agt
Thomas Gerrard whereupon they retourned Billa Vera.
The Jury doe present for the Lord Proprietary That Thomas
Gerrard Esqr, of St Clements Manner in the County of Saint Maryes
contrary to his fidellity to the Right honnoble the Lord Proprietary
due, not haueing the feare of God before his Eyes, but by instigation
of the Diuell mutinously and seditiously contrary to the Act of As-
sembly in that case provided within this Province of Maryland the
dominion of his Lop ouer and in this Province aforesaid to take away
hath plotted, contriued and by force attempted that is to say. On
Tewsday 13th of March 1659 at the howse of Mr Robert Slye mar-
chant in St Clements Manner in the County aforesaid, by word and
writeing agt his lopps lawfull power of makeing lawes within this
Province, by the express words of his Pattent to him granted did
And further also do present that the said Thomas Gerrard did with
Josias ffendall, John Hatch Wm ffuller Sampson Waring Thomas
Hinson Joseph Wickes William Burgess and divers others calling
themselues an Assembly to one Act entituled an Act for repealeing
all former Acts consent as also to another Pretended Act Entituled
an Act providing against any disturbance in the present Government
Soe as it was Established by that pretended Assembly, And to divers
other Acts tending .... and dominion over this Province, and also
General v.
Vide 1 Md.
Arch. Ass.
the makeing of Josias Fendall vnder them Gouernor of this Prov-
ince, and constituting Millitary Officers daniell Clocker Richard
Bankys and others
And further also do present that the said Thomas Gerrard hath
in opposition to his Lops iust rule and dominion seuerall Writts and
process signed vizt 12 Septembris 1660 by vertue of his pretended
power from the pretended Assembly receiued, held Councells with
Josias Fendall Robert Slye and Nathaniell Vtye 15 September pub-
lishing a Declaration comanding all persons to owne no authority
but what came imediatly from his Maty or the Grand Assembly of
this Province thereby colourably sheltring his Rebellion under a
pretence of his Maties Sacred name to the great derogation from the
p. 429