400 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. R
v. Sheppey
Idem demands the same day a writt to arrest Richard Sheppey in
an action of debt
Warrt inde to the Sherr of St Maryes retorn ut supra
v. Spinke
Idem demands the same Day a Writt agt Henry Spinke in an
action of debt
Warrant inde to the Sherriffe of Saint Maryes retorn vt supra
v. Spinke
Idem demands the same day a writt agt Henry Spinke in an
action of trespass.
Warrant inde to the same Sherr retorn ut supra.
Warren v.
Humphrey Warren demands the same day a writt agt William
Head in an accon of debt.
Warrant inde To the Sherriffe of Calvert County retorn ut supra
Walker v.
James Walker demands the same day a writt agt William Head in
an action of debt
Warrant inde to the Sherriffe of Calvert County ret vt supra.
Captaine Samuell Tilghman this day being the ffower & twentith
of Janua desires the ensuing Contracts and the protests thereupon
made to be entred on Record vizt
& Charles
This Present writeing indented made the Eighteenth day of
August 1660, And in the twelth yeare of the Raigne of our Souer-
aigne Lord King Charles the Second Betweene Samuell Tilghman
of Ratcliffe in the County of Midds Marriner Master of the Good
Ship called the Goulden ffortune of London of the burthen of Two
hundred and threescore Tons or thereabouts now bound forth upon
a voyadge from hence to Potomack and Patuxonn Riuers in Mary-
land and so to retorne back to the Porte of the Citty of London
of the one parte, And Charles Peck of London marchant of the
other parte Wittnesseth that the said Samuel Tilghman doth for him
his Executors and Administrators Covenant promise and graunt to
and with the said Charles Peck his Executors and Administrators by
these presents That he the said Samuell Tilghman his Executors or
Assignes shall and will within fforty dayes next after the arrivall of
the said Ship in Potomack or Potuckson Riuers aforesaid receiue
and lade or cause to be receiued and laden aboard the said Ship at
Potomack or Potuckson Riuers aforesaid to and for the vse and
accompt of the said Charles Peck his Executors Administrators and
Assignes Three Tons of Tobacco accompting ffower Virginia Hogs-
heads to every Tonn to [be] brought home in the said Ship to the
Porte of London aforesaid (the danger of the Seas excepted) vnto