Re Samford
John Sinkler on the behalfe of William Samford Sayth uppon
Oath in open Court, That the sd Samford came into Virginia a
Seruant, & was bownd to serue Coll Thomas Swan (by reason
hee was yowng) Seauen yeares, according to the Custome of the
Country. That hee came into the Country about Christmas. And
tht hee hath beene nine yeares allready in this Prouince & in Vir-
ginia, ffurther sayth not.
Estate v.
p. 303
Know all men by these pents That I Walter Hall of the Prouince
of Maryland .... indebted to John Greenewells Estate Eighteene
hundred .... of Tob, wth Cask, ffor the paymt of wch, I the sayd
Walter Hall doe bind ouer all my stock of Cattle & hogges for the
paymt of the same. As wittnes my hand Septembr the 26th 1659
Walter Hall.
Tested by John i Walton his fhrk Mary X Jackson her mrk.
Willm Euans deposeth & Sayth That this Clayme of his on the
behalfe of John Greenwell Deceased, is a Reall Debt. Hee (being
Ouerseer or ff coffee in trust) hauing sold a Mayd seruant to Walter
Hall for tht same somme of Tob, wch serut belonged to the sd
And thereuppon Walter Hall acknowledgeth this Bill or Conuey-
ance in open Court.
Gillford v.
Comrs. of
Calvert Co.
To the honble the Gour & Councell &c :
The humble Petn of Mary Gillford Widdow most humbly sheweth
That where as att the last Prouinciall Court held in this County, on
the 21th of Aprill, yor honors were pleased to putt a sick Boy to bee
kept att yor Pet" howse. Wch Boy tarryed there untill the beginning
of July following. And then went from mee (blessed be god) in
health, yor Petr taking great care of him during the time hee was att
her howse, tht hee should want for nothing tht was requisite & fitting,
& could prouide for him. Insomuch tht hee rotted two blanketts & a
Bolster of yor Petes.
In Consideraon of wch, & for his time of being att yor Petrs howse
& for her Care in looking to, & tending him, shee humbly beseecheth
yor honors to Consider, & grant her an Order to be payd in this
Country & shee shall euer pray &c :
Ordered tht this Petn bee sent downe to the County Court in
Caluert County, And that the Commisrs of that County, see that the