Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 313
These are to Will & requyre yo" in the Lord Proprietaries name,
to summone all such persons, who haue not subscribed the Engagemt
wthin yor County to appeare att the meeting howse in the sd County
uppon Twesday the second day of August next. Then & there to
shew Cause why the Lands in their possess", or pretended to be held
by tytle deryued from them, shall not be seized into the hands of the
Lord Proprietary. Hereof fayle not as you will answere the Con-
tray att yor perill. Gyuen under my hand this 23th day of July 1659
Josias ffendall.
P. C. R.
July 23th
Oath of
p. 280
Or if any man haue any other busines, Doe you arrest them that
you shall be desyred to the Court to be held att the same time. And
this shall bee yor warrt. Gyuen under my hand this 24th of July 1659.
Josias ffendall.
Thomas Ringhould demands warrt agst Joseph Wicks in accon
warrt to the Sheriffe of Kent County to arrest &c: Ret. Prou :
Court to be holden in Anarundel County 2o August next.
Summons to idem Sheriffe for Thomas Hinson, Thomas Sowth,
Willm Leeds, Deliuerance Loueley. And to Sheriffe of Anarundell
Counte pro Roger Grosse to testify in ditt caa. Sub poena 500l Tob
each &c: Ret 2o August ut supra (pro Ringhould.)
Summons to Sheriffe Anarundel County for Willm William &
John Salter to testify in ditt. Subpoen: 500l Tob. (pro Wicks.)
[An order
made at this
Court is
printed in 3
Md. Arch.
Coun. 362.]
July 25th
Ringgold v.
Willm Williams demands warrt agst Joseph Wicks, Accon supr
Wart to the Sheriffe of Kent County to arrest &c: Ret. Prouinciall
Court att Anarundel 2o August ut supra.
Summons to idem Sheriffe for Thomas Snowks, Thomas Brookes
& ffrancis Brookes to testify in ditt. subp. 500l Tob. (pro Williams)
p. 281
Williams v.
Speciall warrt from the Gouernor to the Sheriffe of Kent to arrest
the Body of Edward Coppage, to make answere wthout delay, to such
things as shall be layd to his charge on the behalfe of the Ld Propr,
who is bownd our to answere att the Court ut supra 2o August in
Anarundell County.
July 26th
General v.
Richard Blunt dds warrt agst Philip Thomas accon supr Case.
warrt to the sheriffe of Anarundel to arrest &c: Ret 2o August ut
Supra in Anarundel County.
July 27th
Blunt v.
Richard Deauer dds warrt agst Archibald Archbuckle, accon supr
warrt to Sheriffe Anarundel to arrest &c: Ret. ut supra
Deaver v.