268 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
P. C. R.
p. 231
Hawker v.
Thomas Hawker demands warrt agst Mr Thomas Mathewes in an
accon of Case.
Writt to the Sheriffe of S( Maries County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prou: Court to bee holden in Caluert County 20th Aprill next. Ret
2d day.
Gary v.
Thomas Carye demands wart agst Daniel Golson in accon Debt, &
allso another writt X idem in an accon of Case.
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluet County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prou: Court 20th Aprill ut Supra.
Subpoen: 500l John Knap to testify in ditt. Ret &c :
mrk. Cattle
Emperour Smith recordeth his marke (Viz) Both Eares Cropd'
& a hole in each eare, & underkeeld the right eare.
John Cornelius recordeth his marke of Cattle (Viz) The left
eare Cropd, & a hole in the Crop, the right eare untouchd'.
Thomas Letchworth recordeth his marke (Viz) The left eare
Cropd' & slitt, The right eare under squard'.
Aprill 18th
v. Hutt
Writt to the Sheriffe of Charles County to warne John Waltham &
Thomas Payne to testify one the behalfe of the Lord Prop0 agst
Daniel Hutt, sub poen 500l Tob each. Ret. next Prouinciall Court ut
Gary v.
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to warne Peter Joy to
testify inter Gary & Golson in accon sup Case, subpoena 500l Tob. on
Golsons behalfe Ret. ut supra.
Parrott v.
Mr Willm Parrott demands warrt agst Alice Brasse in an accon
of Defamaon.
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to bring Anne Brasse to
Court to iustify her allegaon.
Writt to warne Capt Sampson Waring & James Veitch to testify
in dit. Caan sub poen. 500l Tob. each, pro plf .
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to warne Anne Neuell to
testify in dit pro deft, att Mr Hugh Stanleys request. Sub poena 500l
Tob. Ret. ut supra.
Re Quakers
These are in the Ld Propes name to charge & command you to
arrest the Body of Thomas Thurston, & him to deteine in yor Custody
wth out Bayle or Mainprise, Causing him to appeare att the Prouin-
ciall Court being holden att St Leonards in Patuxt the 20th of Aprill
next, There to answere to such things, as shall be obiected agst him